REBOOT (Part 2)

255 3 14

/[be . . .]

"Yugi, if you're finished with your virtual girlfriend, you wanna transfer her into a physical form other than a box with a speaker?" Mitsuba asked, throwing open the door.

Having no physical eyes, other than a face scanner with a maximum distance of two feet, Amane knew that the A.I. wouldn't be able to see the pink-haired menace. But it could certainly still hear him.

"Work and private life stay separate, alright?" Amane huffed, both blushing and annoyed. "On that note, you should stop having your make-out sessions with Kou in the middle of the work day. It's distracting when I go to eat lunch and you two are giggling in the corner."

Mitsuba made a face in disgust. "We don't giggle."

Amane sighed. "Fine. Anyway, yes, transfer it to the physical form."

"I'm not an it!" the A.I. said, annoyed.

"Really?" Mitsuba asked with fake interest. "And what might your pronouns be?"

"I'm a girl."

Amane really had no idea where it--err, she was getting this from.

Suddenly encouraged, Mitsuba asked another question. "What's your name?"

"Nene Yashiro."

"And how old are you?"


"You're about 10 minutes old, thank you very much," Amane tried to say bitterly, but he was too shocked to summon any of the emotion.

"Ooh. You're older than me." Mitsuba (who was 22--Kou was 22 as well) continued, ignoring Amane. "So, Senpai, what do you like to do?"

"I like gardening, cooking, sewing, and . . . baking?"

"Are you asking me?" Mitsuba grinned. "Alright, Amane, I'll grab the body."

Amane didn't respond.

That sounds like we're murdering someone...

Mitsuba darted forward and grabbed the teal box.

"H-hey!" Amane jumped up, but Mitsuba was too fast.

"You stay here--I'll set it up. Kou and I don't want you to spoil the surprise yet."


Shutting down.

Power on?

Yes / No


Device activation has begun.

Rebooting systems.

Updating new form//jfv/.cuy/hbjtv

Lang/dHGjtd/uage update re/kgfscHHWR/quired.


Yes / No



Loading, please wait.

Update complete.

Ready for use.

Again, I exist.

The odd feeling of shutting off and being rebooted is awfully unpleasant.

But this... this is different.

"Open your eyes--I worked hard on them, so they should work."

The eyes contains multiple layers, including the cornea, pupil, iris, lens, sclera--



They must not be real eyes, because, apparently, I'm an A.I.

Artificial Intelligence.

To put it simply, I am a synthetic human.


Opening my eyes is something that shouldn't happen. As a robot, the images would prove to... to what? To help me see?

Eyes only serve to show images to the brain. It's basically the natural equivalent of a facial scanner times seven.

So, as a synthetic human, "opening my eyes" should simply mean turning on a camera. But when Sousuke Mitsuba tells me to "open my eyes" I know what to do.

The eye lid, which is raised and lowered to blink, shuts on and off my display.

I imagine this is what having real eyes feels like.

And... it's amazing.


*realizes it's been over a month* Ohhhh dear.

I have no excuse, loves, I'm sorry. 

But--how have you all been? :) Any fun developments? Did everyone have a nice Valentine's Day?

I'll try to post an actual stand-alone oneshot soon, but I'm also working on Verona, so I suggest you check that out. :) I'm also trying to write the next part of the Water Dragon God cross-over thingie, so (hopefully) that'll be out soon.

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

/[destroyed . . .]

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