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"Hey, Tsukasa, Kid, wanna make a bet?" Amane asked, leaning forward.

The three had gone to the library, along with Nene, to work on a project for English. Nene was searching for a book, and she had left the three boys to their own devices.

"Why do you call me 'Kid' if we're the same age?" Kou complained.

"I'm in! What kind of bet is it?" Tsukasa asked, eyes wide.

"I wanna see what happens if we flirt with Yashiro!" Amane declared, eyes wide in excitement.

"F-flirt with Senpai?" Kou asked.

"You say it's weird that I call you Kid, but you call her 'Senpai'? We're all in the same grade!"

"I'll flirt with Nene!" Tsukasa grinned.

Amane hated that Tsukasa called her by her first name, and with no honorifics. He wanted to say 'Nene' too, but wasn't sure how to bring it up.

"Alright! Here's the bet: If you make her blush, then everyone else owes you a favor!" Amane said. Kou nodded, and Tsukasa smiled.


"What are you guys doing?" Nene asked. Kou grinned.

"Hey, Senpai." Nene sat down next to Amane and across from Kou.


"Do you like raisins?" he asked. Tsukasa held back a laugh. He knew this one.

"I think they're fine." Nene said, opening the book. "Hey, Amane, what do you--"

"If you like raisins, how about a date?" Kou finished, blushing furiously. Nene frowned.

"Umm, sorry Kou-kun, but no." She didn't even blink. "So, Amane, have you--"

"Nene!" Tsukasa announced. Kou had sighed and leaned back in the seat. "Nene!"

"Yeah, Tsukasa-kun?" Nene asked. When Tsukasa paused for a moment, Nene turned back to Amane. "So do--"

"Nene-- while we're on the topic of English: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put 'u' and 'i' together!" Tsukasa grinned. Nene sighed and stood.

"I don't know what is wrong with you guys today, but I--"

Amane grabbed her hand and pulled Nene down and into his lap.

"A-amane?" Nene wasn't blushing, but she was close.

"Hey, Yashiro . . . can I call you Nene?" Amane wrapped his arms around Nene.

"S-sure . . ." She was stunned, but not blushing.

"Now that we have that covered, there's one other thing I wanted to change."

"What is it?" Nene asked.

"Your last name." Amane grinned. Nene was on the edge of blushing.

So close!

"W-what do you want to change it to?" Nene blinked. Amane leaned forward so that their foreheads were touching.

"Yugi," he whispered.

Nene erupted in blush. "A-amane!"

Kou and Tsukasa sighed.

Nene stumbled to her feet, still blushing profusely. "I n-n-need t-to g-go get a b-b-b-book!" Nene hurried away.

"I knew I was gonna lose!" Tsukasa grinned at his brother. Amane had also taken on a shade of red.

"How did you know?" Kou asked. Amane glanced at his friends.

"Because Amane has a secret weapon!" Tsukasa announced.

"I have a secret weapon?" Amane asked.

"Besides physical contact?" Kou added. Tsukasa nodded vigorously.

"It's that he's Amane!" Tsukasa grinned.

"Huh?" Amane asked.

"It's obvious that Nene likes you!"

Amane blushed. "N-no, you're wrong."

"But you would hate it if I was right?" Tsukasa asked innocently. Amane blushed harder.

"Well, n-no."

In fact, I may love the idea a little too much . . .


Aww, so cute! XD

Alright, people, I'm begging-- give me oneshot ideas! This was the last good one I had! 

Also, fun fact: Nene's hairpins (often referred to as 'horns') are actually beads called Magatama. 

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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