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A/N: I'm your dear Author-chan, and you know I would never give you a lemon/lime oneshot. But this does have some mature themes. Nothing actually happens, but there is some misinterpretation. You've been warned! *wiggles fingers spookily*

"Akane-senpai, please!"

"No. Why do you even want to see her?"

"Boys, what are you doing?" Kako entered the room holding Mirai. Kou's eyes lit up when he spotted the girl,

"Mirai-chan, you can tell the future, right?" Kou asked excitedly. Mirai nodded.


"Can you tell me if there are any enemies I should be on the lookout for?"

Mirai tapped her chin. "Hmm. Yeah!" She smiled. "Asahi Yugi!"

"Yugi?" Is she a descendant of Hanako, or something?"

"Kiiiiiiiinda," Mirai grinned evilly.

"When will she appear?" Kou asked quickly.

"Aaaaaaapril." Kou counted it out on his fingers.

"That's in . . . nine months." His eyes widened in realization, "Nine months?!" Kou immediately raced out of the room.

Akane sighed. "Oh, Mirai . . ."


"So, Yashiro, wanna do it?" Kou heard shuffling from inside the bathroom.

"Hanako-kun, I'm not sure . . ."

"Oh, come on, I promise I won't hurt you!" Hanako laughed. Kou reached for the door handle. Then he paused.

Senpai will say no. Right?

"Alright, Hanako-kun," Nene said. Kou reached for the handle again, but not before hearing Nene shriek and a series of thumps.

"Senpai!" Kou threw open the door to see Nene sitting next to Hanako on the ground. Hanako held a deck of cards. Next to Nene was an overturned bucket.

So that's what the noise was . . . Senpai tripped.

"Kid? What are you doing here?" Hanako asked. Kou blinked.

"I, uh, heard Senpai scream . . ."

"Oh, thanks for coming to check on me Kou-kun!" Nene said brightly. Hanako frowned at Kou.

"You look too flustered for just that . . ."

"Well . . . Mirai-chan said you were going t-to have a child with Senpai--"

"So you came to cheer us on?" Hanako laughed as blush spread down Nene's cheeks. "So perverted!"


"Don't worry," Hanako slung an arm around Nene. "I just wanna play Hanafuda with Yashiro. And you know I wouldn't do anything to her." Kou sighed.

"Sure you wouldn't . . ." 


See what I mean? Poor Kou, he overreacted. XD But it sure was funny!

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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