TRART: 1K Reads Special

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A/N: I was going through my drafts when I found this: The original version of chapter 2, in 1st person, Nene's POV! Make sure you read TRATR before reading this!!

I decided to make this a 1k views special, so . . . enjoy!

 "Oww . . ." I groaned, slowly sitting up. I reached to brush my bangs off my face before seeing the chains on my wrists. "Huh?"

Looking around, I saw I was in a large room, but chained to one wall. The flooring made me think that I was still in the school building, but I wasn't sure.

What happened? I remember Yako, and Kou's being a doll, and Hanako-kun . . .

Pushing the memory out of my head, I realized there was another person in the room. They were hiding behind a spinning office chair.

"Hello?" I asked. The person in the chair made a squeaking noise before attempting to compact themselves further. "Um, do you know where we are? And, ah, awkward question, can you unchain me?"

"Can't." The chair answered. Wait. I recognized that voice.

"Hanako? Is that you?" The chair sighed.

"Nooo, I'm not Amane. And I can't untie you because, if I did, you'd run straight back to Amane!"

"I might not! You never know." A face popped over the chair top. It was Hanako's face! But the boy had a black and red seal on his right cheek, and a more . . . hyperactive look in his eyes.

"You won't?" The boy asked. "Hmm . . . I know!" Jumping up, the boy rummaged in his pockets. He was wearing a hakama. He hurried over to be, before producing a paintbrush and ink set. "Hold still." Kneeling, he dipped the paintbrush in the ink. The boy brought the paintbrush to my left forearm and began to write.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I couldn't jerk away, because the boy's eyes entranced me. They were Hanako's, but something about them seemed off.

"All done!" The boy leaned back and read the writing on my arm. "'Property of Tsukasa.'" So that was his name! Tsukasa.

"Wait, property?" I asked as Tsukasa blew on my arm. The ink faded.

"Now it's done!" he grinned. "Amane can't touch you now!"

"What? Why--"

"One more thing." Now his expression was dead serious. "You can't ignore anything I say now." His hyperexpression returned. "Cool, huh? I can make you do about anything!" I felt my face flush.

"Wait, like anything-anythi--"

"Here, I'll show you!" Tsukasa said excitedly, cutting me off. Tapping my chains, they fall to the ground. "Stand up." I do. I'm not sure why, but I can't not do it. "Go sit in the chair." I hurry over and sit down in the spinning chair.

"That wasn't very nice-- or interesting," I say. Tsukasa giggles. He followed me to the chair.

"I can make you do things without speaking. I'll show you." He looks at me.

A thought reverberates. Before I could figure it out, Tsukasa's picked me up and out of the chair. He moves his face inches from mine.

I identify the thought. 'Kiss me'. My face is flushed, but I can't stop moving. Three inches, two inches, one, a few centimeters . . .

At the last second, a new thought hits me. 'Stop'. I freeze.

"You didn't think I was actually gonna make you kiss me, right?" He laughs. "Amane would flip!" He pauses, thinking. "Actually, that'd be cool to see . . ."

"Ah . . ." I extract myself from his grip before he can make me stop. Bolting for the door, I get one hand on the door before an electric shock goes through me.


Whadda think?

This is so old!  XD  I'd forgotten that I had done 1st person fanfic. My style is almost always 3rd person, so this was interesting to re-read.

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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