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A/N: Thank you so much to @QueenOfNewfypoos for helping me, plus the oneshot idea. :) 

"This can only be removed by your true love. Fail to find them, and remain loveless for the rest of your life. Good luck!" the words echoed in Nene's mind.

Nene sat up in bed, breathing heavily. She raced to her mirror.

"It was a dream, it was a dream, it was a dream," She reassured herself. But once Nene looked in the mirror, she knew it wasn't.

There, stuck in her platinum blonde locks of hair and behind her left ear, was a silver rose, delicate petals molded carefully.

There, stuck in her platinum blonde locks of hair and behind her left ear, was a silver rose, delicate petals molded carefully

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(Art by me!)

Nene reached up to pull it out. She yanked on it, but it wouldn't come out of her hair.

"Nooooo," Nene breathed. She groaned and went to change.


"Nene-chan, why do you have a flower in your hair?" Aoi asked, reaching up to stroke the petals.

"H-hey, Aoi-chan, do you think you can remove it?" Nene asked. Aoi gave a gentle tug on the flower before frowning.

"No, I don't think I can. Hey, Akane-kun, can you remove this flower?" Aoi asked. Akane quickly pulled on the flower.

"No, sorry, Ao-chan!"

"Hey, I wanna try!"

"Me too!"

And not before long, students were lining up to remove the flower. They all failed.

"Nene-chan, did you glue it to your head?" Aoi asked. Nene quickly stood.

"I have an idea, be right back."

Nene raced away.

"Yashiro? What are you doing here? Aren't you in the middle of class?" Hanako frowned at the panting girl who had just entered his bathroom.

"H-Hanako-kun . . . rose . . ." Nene tapped the flower in her hair, still trying to catch her breath. Hanako reached forward and fingered the rose.
"Hmm, this is pretty." Nene blinked when she saw what had happened.
Hanako held up the rose in his hand. Nene touched the spot above her ear where the rose should have been.

But it was gone.

Nene erupted in blush as she stared at the ghost. "Kyaaaaa!" She blushed harder and fled down the hallway.

Hanako stared at the rose in his hand. Lifting the flower to his nose, he gave it a gentle sniff. Then tucked the flower in his pocket. The ghost slowly smiled.
It smelled like Nene.
Maybe he would hold onto the rose for a while . . .


Cringy yet adorable, right?

If y'all have any oneshot ideas/requests, I'd love to hear them. I really enjoy doing request work. I don't know why, but I do. :)

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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