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A/N by @QueenOfNewfypoos: @Pearlpaintbrush-- I tried writing fluff. Yes. I know. Shocking. But lucky for me, I'm drinking a coke zero and eating black licorice, so if this goes badly~ I'll blame it on the coke.

Nene pulled her heavy pack off her back, shoulders aching. Tsukasa, noticing how sore her shoulders were, grinned manically and stepped forward. "Would you want a back massage?" Nene immediately backed up, bumping into Amane, who'd already set up his tent. They hit the ground.

Well, Amane shielded Nene's body from hitting the forest floor. Amane let out a loud 'oof' when Nene landed on him.

Nene rolled, getting dirt all over her. Tsukasa walked over, looking down at his brother and Nene groaning, lying on the forest floor. Instead of helping them up, Tsukasa went to bother Mei, who was slowly inching away from him.

Amane eased himself to his feet, offering a hand to his now dirty friend. "Heh, Yashiro~ you're a dirty daikon now-" he teased her. Yashiro glared at him, and put her full weight on Amane's hand as he helped her up. Amane helped her set up her tent, which she then went in to change out of her dirt-covered clothes. She emerged in an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. (Author-chan loves her a good old oversized hoodie) Amane, Mei, Tsukasa, Kou, and Mitsuba had changed into lounge clothes already, and someone had started a fire.

Nene hoped that Tsukasa wasn't in charge of the fire. Now that was a recipe for disaster.

Speaking of recipes, Kou was now making dinner, while Mitsuba ruthlessly teased him, telling him that he was 'a 1980's housewife'. Nene settled into her chair, her shivering stopping as she felt the heat of the fire leech over to her. She ate hot dogs and made a messy, chocolatey s'more.

Full of warmth, food, and happiness at watching her friends have a good time together. She snuggled into her hoodie. It was comfy, warm, and soft here. Before she knew it, the campsite was dark, and everyone was sleepily departing to their tents. Amane peered into her face, smiling when she blearily opened her eyes. "Yashiro, you slept through a lot, but we gotta sleep now. It's past 11." Nene sighed, moving her tired limbs into her tent, where she promptly collapsed into a cot.


When Nene woke up, it was early, and she stumbled outside, brewing up some tea and taking out the honey. A rustle from Amane's tent told her he was up too, probably reading a book.

Nene poured another mug-- leaving the honey out --and went to unzip Amane's tent and bring him his tea. She zipped it back up, gave Amane his tea, when--

"Stop. Don't move." Amane said as he set down his tea, staring out at their campsite. Through the mesh of the door, a huge, brown shape came into view. Nene stiffened in fear. The bear was huge, and it sniffed around the campsite, clearly searching for something.

"Do you think Tsukasa stole its child and is keeping it here?" Nene asked. Then Amane wordlessly pointed to the honey she'd left out. She stifled a gasp. She knew everyone loved honey but didn't know that everyone included a 400lb bear.

Holding tight to each other, Amane and Nene were so close they could hear the other's heartbeat. Lumbering around, the bear moved to the edge of their campsite. They both exhaled sharply when the bear finally left, probably smelling something more interesting, farther in the woods. They both slumped against the tent walls, melting in pure relief. Nene let out a breathy laugh.

"We almost became bear food." she giggled. It must be the rush of shock and relief because Amane laughs shakily too, and they open up the tent door, finding everyone is ready for breakfast. Mitsuba reached for the honey-- "Mhhn . . . Honey. Kou, do you think you could whip up some herbal tea? He questioningly looks at Nene and Amane, who is staring at the honey as if it's the last thing they will ever see. Nene's the first to react. 

"Kyaaaa~" Nene runs at him, grabs the honey, and throws it as far and high as she can.

Sighing, Mitsuba stares at them. "So, lovebirds, you wanna tell us why you guys were both up at dawn and at Amane's tent?" They both erupt in a blush.

"I-it's n-not what y-you t-think!" Amane mumbles, his face a tomato.

A/N by @QueenOfNewfypoos: ... So, was it mild enough? Yes, this is fluff. And yes, this is me trying. BLAME THE COKE ALRIGHT? When we went camping, my younger sister screamed every time she saw a spider/bug... but, since we're in the forest, that's..constantly. So we all got to enjoy the soundtrack of my baby sis constantly screaming. Fun times. Seriously, though, camping is awesome. Hope y'all have fun summer plans, Author - chan!

A/N by @NeneYashiro23: I'm gonna be honest, I did the editing for this. @QueenOfNewfypoos wrote it. But it turned out pretty cool, so . . . tada?

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan(s) ~~

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