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Think Ghost Hotel/Vampire AU... Hanako being alive forever... watching Nene get reincarnated but watching her die over and over again...

Songfic to Reinaeiry's "Immortal". :) I tried to be poetic and deep, but I don't think it went very well. XD For full effect, listen to that fancy little song up there ⬆️ 


"Sometimes when I look in the mirror

I still see your face resting on my shoulder"


His eyes sluggishly flitted from the dark frame of the mirror to the grinning shadow. He waved it away, letting his cape fall over his shoulders again. His fingers graced the edge of the painfully wonderful gift that was the mirror. The heavily draped room stole away the sound of his slow breath. Moonlight flicked through the covered windows, casting a hazy glow over the room.


"And my heart beats so fast

That I start to feel alive again"


He pulled the cover over the reflective glass, hiding the mirror from himself. He walked lightly to the window in silent steps across the carpet. Not that it mattered. The room would have swallowed it anyway, taking it from him. He pulled back the drapes that crossed the window, thick silver light covering the room once more. The moon shone, its luminous tendrils reflecting off his pale skin. He wondered if the moon ever felt lonely. It had the stars for companions, didn't it? But they were millions of miles away. Many of them were already dead, anyway. Dead...


"And the rain, it washes away all the pain

'Cause it feels like the sound of your voice"


Fat drops of water littered the glass, small imperfections that warped the view. But they were still beautiful, weren't they? That's what she had said. He could still hear her laughter in the quiet plink of the rain. He traced his fingers over the drops, tracing them like she once had. Making shapes of arbitrary conditions. Love out of chaos.


"And I'm comforted by the sweet smells of dew

Because the sunrise reminds me of you


He hated the sunrise. She would always leave him and his castle for the flowering trees and bushes, their pollen a bitter perfume that lingered on her skin. The substance would sometimes turn sticky and cling to her in sweet-smelling clumps. He would maneuver a comb through her hair to free the thick locks. She would take the comb, rinse it, and run it through his hair in turn. Even though his hair never really would submit and let itself be defeated, she would laugh and smile. She would always smile.


"And I'll always find you again and again

And I'll love every version of you"


He might be waiting 10 years or 10 thousand. It was a horrifying glory, to watch her grow and age and die, again and again. No matter how many times she arrived, young and innocent, no matter how many times her fist beat the door gently, her beautiful eyes asking for entrance before she even knew why, no matter how many welcomes he offered her, no matter how many times she accepted his outstretched hand, stepping into a past and future she neither knew nor recognized. Her smile, cautious at first, would unwillingly melt into something else before she realized it.


"And you're never truly gone

As long as a part of you in me lives on"


Another knock, another tear. A cruel game, yes, but he deserved it. She did not. She deserved flowers and candy, late nights and early mornings. She deserved every song and poem, every note and lyric. She deserved a proper lover, not a monstrous sinner. But he was helpless to change it, trapped in the cage of his own terrifying love. He couldn't end it. Could he?


"But my love, I will hold you close to me"


A knock on the front door. His own feet, unwilling to stay, took him there. His hand rested on the door. If he focused, he could hear her breath, frantic and random. He could hear her heartbeat, pounding but steady.

Could he really survive her death again?


"'Til you fade from my arms peacefully"


He had to. He would give anything for her happiness, but he wanted to be there. He selfishly wanted her smiles, her laughter, her spirit, her love.

He would break the cycle, one day. But not today. He leaned forward, cold lips against the door, and murmured to her, "I love you."

He forced the lovesick expression off his face and opened the door.


How're you doing? :)

I don't have anything to say, so... *shrugs* Have an amazing day! :D

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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