PLAY (Part 1)

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A/N: The entire title is "Hanako: The Play", but I shortened it to keep with the 1-word theme. Enjoy!


"Guys, let's do a play!" Hanako told the gathered group. They tittered.

"What play?" Nene asked.

"A Hanako-kun original! Here are your parts," Hanako passed out the scripts. "Yashiro, you'll be Yashiro. No. 3, you're the narrator. Kid, you're Teru. No. 1, you'll be the guy Yashiro confesses to in her random flashback."

"H-hey, it wasn't random!"

"Hmmm, it was pretty random. Maybe I'll cut that bit . . . alright, No. 1, you can be an extra student. No. 2, you can be the Mermaid! And No. 4 and No. 5, you'll be extra students also! No. 6 can't make it."

"Hanako, who will you be?" Kou asked. Hanako laughed.

"I'll be me, of course!"


The curtain flew open. There stood Mitsuba.

"Ahem. Once upon a time, a girl went to summon a ghost. Her name was Radish-senpai."

"It's Nene!" she claimed, hurrying on stage.

"Alright, her name was Nene. And Nene wanted a boyfriend, so she went to find a perverted ghost to go out with, because reasons."

"That's not what happened!" Nene called. Mitsuba rolled his eyes.

"Fine. She went to Hanako to wish for a boyfriend."

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?" Nene asked.

Shijima had drawn them a set, and the bathroom was perfect, down to the last detail.

"Yesss, I'm here!" Hanako hissed from off stage. Nene pushed open the door.

"Oh, good, it was just my imagination."

"Over here."

"Eek!" Nene jumped away and stared at Hanako.

"And as she laid her eyes on him for the first time, Nene immediately fell in love." Mitsuba narrated.

"That's-- no--"

"Alright, who are you?" Hanako asked, trying to move the play along.

"I-i'm Nene Yashiro of the High School division, Class 1-A!"

"Do you have a wish?" Hanako asked, producing a notepad and paper.

"Y-yes, I want my crush to fall in love with me!" Nene pulled out her phone and showed it to the ghost. "It's Minamoto-senpai."

"Hmm," Hanako paused. "Alright!" He dug through his pockets before pulling out a note and pen. "Write him a note saying you love him!" Nene nodded.

"Alright! And I'll give him a present, too! I'm in the Gardening Club, so maybe something I grew?" Nene thought aloud, writing on the note.

The curtains pulled closed, and Hanako and Nene scurried offstage.

"Good job, Yashiro!" Hanako whispered.

"Thanks! You did great too! And good luck Kou-kun!" Nene whispered as she passed her friend.

The curtain opened again. Shijima had made a beautiful classroom setting, and it perfectly replicated the real one.

Kou entered from one side of the stage. No. 1, 4, and 5 were all crowded around a desk, hiding it from audience view.

"Teru-kun" Akane called to him. Kou glowed while playing his brother. He had practiced for the role by watching Teru.

"Hi-- er, good morning. What is all the commotion?" he asked.

"Did you help a fox or something?" Tsuchigomori sighed. Yako, who was offstage, grumbled at the comment.

"No, why?" The Wonders moved to show the desk to Kou.

"Did you help a vegan, then?" Akane asked. Out of the entire cast, he was the best at acting normal.

"N-no." Kou held up the vegetables that sat on the desk. "A tomato, and a cucumber? I better give these to the office." Kou hurried offstage as Nene and Hanako entered from the other side.

"No . . . this didn't work!" Nene complained. The curtains closed. They reopened on the bathroom again. "I can't believe it!"

"Why don't you just tell him you like him?" Hanako asked. Nene stumbled away from the ghost.

"I can't do that! There must be another option!" she exclaimed. Hanako sighed and searched his pockets, pacing across the stage. In doing so, he dropped a tiny pale bag. Nene picked it up and examined the shiny contents.

"Hmm, I don't-- YASHIRO!!! Give those back!" Hanako dove for the bag as Nene shoved the scale in her mouth.

"Vat tis lit?" Nene asked. It was slightly garbled, due to the item in her mouth.

"A-a mermaid scale! It's a match-making item, but if you eat it, you'll be cursed-- YASHIRO?" Nene quickly swallowed the scale.

It wasn't real, of course. Hanako wouldn't let her touch the scales, so they were using candy.

"You had the right item all along! You're just an evil liar, Hanako-san!" Nene raced offstage.

"And so, Nene went to find Teru, while Hanako broke down in tears, sad that the love of his life had rejected him," Mitsuba added.

"That's not in the script!" Hanako complained. But as the curtains closed, Kou and Mitsuba noticed something.

Even if Hanako was the best actor on set (which he wasn't), you couldn't fake the kind of pain he was displaying in his expression. 



I hope y'all liked this. Enjoy part 2!

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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