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Yep, another amazing oneshot by @QueenOfNewfypoos! Here's what they said when asked for a comment for the author's note: (Ooh, I sound like a reporter!)

"How do I (say) that I wrote this at 11:00 and was running on caffeine and maple syrup? (And it's) The first Hananene one shot I'd ever wrote 🥲🥲"

Well, it definitely turned out awesome. Enjoy!

Nene looked out her window, only to see Hanako strolling past her window outside in the courtyard.


The teacher swiveled. Nene braced herself and said with as much strength as she could muster, "Can I use the bathroom, please?" The teacher gave a curt nod in Nene's direction, and Nene fled out the door. She found a relatively large window looking over the courtyard and gardens, and pressed her face against the cool glass.

Almost like he's caressing my face . . .

Nene snapped out of it, opening her eyes to see the subject of her thoughts.


He was cute, funny, and hot. Once, she'd told herself he wasn't her type. Nope. She couldn't even think up the definition of type when she was around Hanako.

She watched Hanako pass through the gardens, saying hello to a dwarf-sized tree. She watched him, the way he moved, as he crossed the garden. Closing her eyes, she imagined him.

I like you . . .

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the bell. Fleeing before the hallway flooded with students, she hastily apologized to the teacher, collected her homework, and sprinted to the girl's bathroom. Hanako had still beaten her there. He gave her a lazy smile as he floated towards her. It took Nene a full second to remind her brain to function properly.

Hanako grinned at her, saying, "Where's the kid? He usually hangs out for the party over here." Nene smiled and felt a pang in her heart.


Why she hadn't confessed to Hanako, why she kept her feelings in check. She loved his friendship, his easy jokes, his laugh. She didn't want to lose him. Even if every time she saw him she wanted to kiss him- no, no. He'd never like her like that.

It wasn't worth the chance.

Nene played cards with the Mokke and Hanako-kun. Or, rather, Nene talked while Mokke waged war against Hanako-kun. She'd zoned out staring at his face, only to resurface realizing they asked her something.

Why is he so cute? And why can't I . . . stop loving him?

"Will you take a chance on me?" He held out a card. Nene hesitated, but grabbed the card and flipped it over. He grinned at her. "Yay, Nene, you won!" Nene felt a fluttering in her chest at the use of her first name. The Mokke hopped out of the bathroom, no doubt finding another person willing to play cards with them. Nene felt a surge of confidence, and rose to her feet. Hanako did too, beaming up at her. "Great job, Yashiro! I guess great things really do happen when you take a chan-"

Nene didn't let him finish. She quickly kabedonned him against the wall, breathing heavily. She looked up, drowning in amber eyes centimeters from her own. "I like you, Hanako. I love you, I'm scared of losing you." Her voice and soul cracked with each sentence, her eyes filling with tears. She whispered, "I just took a chance on you.¨ Hanako sighed . . . with relief?

Grinning at her, he pulled her closer, then spun, kabedoning her. "I love you too. You took the right chance. I love you, and I've never dreamed that you would like me back." Nene didn't know who moved first, but her hands were twisted in Hanako's shirt, Hanako's fingers were shoved in her hair, and their lips clashed. It was raw, filled with unending passion. They molded to each other, their souls twining in an intimate way.

Nene leaned back and smiled at the ghost. He grinned. Chance might not be on her side every time, but she had Hanako. What else would she need?

Smiling, Nene leaned in for round two.


Depending on how quickly I finish it, the next story might be Hananene and Aoikane.

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan(s) ~~

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