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A/N: Alright peoples, this has lime! Not fluff, or hardcore fluff, or spicy fluff, straight up lime. 

I'm sorry. 😭

Also-- very important A/N at the end! Even if you don't read the oneshot, read the A/N!

"Yashiro, are you okay?"

Nene looked over her shoulder and at the ghost. "I feel . . . not great--"


Nene collapsed, dropping the broom she had been holding.



Am I . . . underwater?

Suddenly, her head resurfaced, and she was breathing air once again. Nene looked around. She was in what looked like the school's outdoor pool. And, kneeling in front of her . . .


Hanako looked at their girl with worried eyes. "Yashiro, you should have told me what was going on." Nene looked away. Hanako sat down and dangled his legs in the water.

"I'm fine, so it doesn't matter--"

"Fine?" Hanako asked. "You're fine?" Using only one hand, the ghost lifted Nene out of the pool and placed her in his lap, not caring about how wet he was. "This doesn't look fine to me."

Nene stared at her legs. Where once had been the ankles she so despised now was . . . a tail.

She had become a mermaid.

Shiny and pink, it dipped into the water, stopping a little higher than Hanako's feet.

That brought her attention to the ghost.

"H-Hanako-kun, c-can you put me d-down?" Nene asked, a light blush spreading across her cheeks. Hanako shook his head and hugged her tighter.

"Nope! Since you didn't tell me this was happening, your punishment is that I can touch you as much as I want."
Nene exploded in blush.
"What?" Hanako demanded. He quickly thought over everything he had said. "Why-- oh. OH." He blushed too. "N-no, I didn't mean it like that! A-anyway, why didn't you tell me what was happening?" Nene looked away, her blush fading.

"I d-didn't think it was anything bad! Just . . . scales kept appearing on my legs, and they wouldn't come off. They didn't fall off like usual . . ."

"Yashiro . . ." Hanako sighed and leaned his head on the girl's neck, positioned so that his mouth rested on Nene's shoulder. Nene bit her lip.

"I'm sorry, Hanako-kun."

They stayed like that for a minute. When Hanako leaned back, he was smirking.


"Hold still."

Before Nene could say anything, Hanako leaned forward once more, crashing his lips into hers.

And when he pulled away, Nene's tail was gone.

"True love's kiss works every time," Hanako smirked. His eyes trailed to Nene's shoulder.

"Kyaaaah!" Nene shirked, jumping off and away from the ghost. Hanako laughed.

"Aww, don't tell me you didn't like it!"

"I d-didn't like it!"

"Hmm . . . you say I'm not your type, but you kissed me back . . ."

"Hanako-kun, you pervert! I'm going home!"

Nene stormed off, leaving Hanako still at the poolside. He watched Nene disappear from view, still smirking.

"Oh, Yashiro~"


(The Next Day)

"Nene-chan, are you okay?" Aoi asked, watching Nene rub her shoulder again. "Is something wrong with your shoulder?" Nene sighed.

"I don't know why, but it's kinda sore." Nene pulled down the edge of her dress to show her friend. Aoi covered her mouth and giggled.


"What?!" Nene asked. Aoi pulled out her phone and opened the camera app to show Nene. She turned around the camera and held it out to her best friend.

"You should have told me you had a boyfriend!"

Nene's jaw dropped.

There, on her shoulder, was a love bite.



Nene: Hanako-kun, do you want to explain this? *shows Hanako the bite mark*

Hanako: *smirks* Why, do you want another one?

Nene: *already escaped out the door* 


Author-chan's gone crazy!   XD  Don't worry, the next one will be wholesome. 


I just wanna let y'all know: My last week of school is coming up, and I'm moving as well. So the next few weeks could go three different ways--

Way #1. I'll be super busy, so I won't do a lot of posting. 

Way #2. I'll continue my regular posting schedule (At least one oneshot/part per day, but occasionally skipping a day).

Way #3. I'll write an insane amount to cope with the craziness. If that's the case, expect a whole lot of new stuff.

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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