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A/N: This has mentions of suicide. If you're uncomfortable with that, then don't read this! Also, this is a depressing story in some places, but it has a sweet ending, so don't worry!

"You haven't heard the rumor?"

"Huh? What rumor?"

"About The Ghost Singer, who else?!"

"What's that?"

"They say there once was a student who went here. She was a beautiful singer, but she was bullied a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Eventually, she took her own life."

"That's horrible!"

"Yeah, I know. But now, if a student ever feels hopeless, you can go to her, and she'll help you!"


That was how Amane ended up in the auditorium after school. Everyone had gone home already-- including the janitors and teachers.

Amane sat on the edge of the stage and stared out into the seats.

"Nene-chan, please help me."

That was how you were supposed to summon her, Amane had been told. He paused, waiting for something to happen. When nothing did, he sighed.

This is so dumb, I can't believe I actually thought--

"Um, hi." Amane jumped at the girl's voice. He stood and spun around.

There, in the middle of the stage, stood a girl with platinum blonde hair and teal tips. She had magenta eyes and wore a high school uniform.

And . . .

"Are your ankles swollen?" Amane asked. The girl's jaw dropped.

"Goodbye." She turned to exit the stage.

"Wait!" Amane desperately thought of something to say. "I, uh, think your ankles are c-cute!"

She immediately turned back to him. "Alright, how can I help you?"

Surprisingly shallow . . .

"Well, your rumor said that you can help students who feel hopeless," Amane said.

"Yes, that's true. I'm Nene Yashiro, The Ghost Singer!"

"How, um, exactly, do you help people when they're, um, feeling hopeless?"

"Why? Do you feel hopeless?" Nene asked. Amane paused, pondering the question.

"My parents are never around. A-and my brother is abusive. And, u-um, I get bullied," he told her quietly. Nene nodded in sympathy.

"Yeah, I get that. What do they bully you for?"


That was how it went every day after school. Nene couldn't actually make the bullies go away, but she could provide him with a friend, someone to talk to.

And that was enough for Amane. 


Amanene for the win!  XD

This story was originally going to be a longer story, but I'm trying to finish TRATR:TT and The Letter, The Rose, and The Note. (It's odd how I have an acronym for TRATR, but not for any other stories. I guess I could have TLTRATN?)

Anyway, I was going through some old drafts of the first TRATR, when I found a version of Chapter 2 in first person (Nene's POV). Do you guys wanna see it? I might post it later . . .

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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