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a.k.a. How Chapter 62 Should Have Gone

Also, the perspective jumps between Hanako, Nene, and Akane. Hanako's perspective uses 'No. 1' and 'Yashiro'. Nene uses 'Akane' and 'Hanako-kun'. Akane uses 'Nene-chan' and 'No. 7'. :)

Also-also, enjoy this random Angry Nene picture I did. XD

There's important stuff in the A/N, so make sure you check it out! :) 

"You are so dense. I mean--"

Nene suddenly found Akane behind her, one pretend finger gun pressing against her forehead.

"I have a hostage!"


Hanako paused, confused.

A hostage? No. 1 certainly didn't mean Yashiro, did he?

What was he going to do with this "hostage" anyway?

"Akane-kun?" he heard Yashiro's voice ask.

Hanako had to admit it: hearing Yashiro call another boy's name annoyed him. He felt the same way whenever Yashiro was talking to the Kid.

"Take me to her," No. 1 demanded on the other end of the line.

"No. 1," Hanako started.

"You know me well, Honorable No. 7." Eh, that was debatable. "I really would do anything if it meant saving Aoi-chan." Now, that Hanako knew was true. No. 1 was completely obsessed with the purple-haired girl. "So you're going to stop screwing around and help me."

Hanako sighed. What was No. 1 really going to do? He certainly wasn't going to hurt Yashiro.

"Is that a threat?" Hanako asked, letting out a humorless laugh. "It won't work."

". . . I wouldn't be so sure." No. 1's voice was cold.


Hanako tilted his head ever so slightly, wondering where this could be going.

What he heard next practically killed him again.

"N-no! Akane-kun, don't! Eek!"

Hanako yanked the phone away from his ear and stared at it.

Then he quickly pulled it back to his ear.

"No. 1, what are you do--"

"You see," No. 1 continued calmly, Yashiro's panting breath the background soundtrack. "The other day, I learned a lesson from President Minamoto. There are many different kinds of threats, O Honorable No. 7."


Nene felt one hand cup her chin, pulling her closer and tilting her face up. Her breath hitched and she froze.


Hanako paused, unable to move. He felt his eyes widen as he listened to the other side of the telephone line.


"H-hey," Nene squeaked. "Akane-kun, stop!"

A failed attempt to push him away made Nene's heart pound--but not in the way that hot boys made her swoon.

"Ah . . ."

Akane slowly moved forward.

Nene didn't want this! Her first kiss shouldn't be with Akane, it should be with--

"Nooooooo!" she squealed. "Hanako-kun!" She tried to push Akane away but he was too strong.


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