Somebody Loved

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Hailee's P.O.V

Walking down the Santa Monica Pier, you could feel the brisk warm evening weather. Maybe that's one of the things I love about California's bipolar weather. It could be cold one day and the next extremely hot. But there is always a day where the weather is so beautiful, not to hot, not to cold, a light breeze to brush the hair off your face just a bit. Perfect. The perfect day to spend time with my perfect girlfriend.

"She shoots, she scores and the crowd goes wild. Nothing but net. Can I get a swish" (Y/N) yelled out in excitement as she made a basket on the carnival game.

"Oh you mean like this... Koby" I said shooting the ball and making a basket. I looked at my girlfriend as I crossed my arms and gave her a devilish smirk.

"Yes baby, now do that 10 more times because that's how many it will take to beat me" she winked letting out a laugh whiling pointing at the score board. 10- 1 and I was clearly the loser.

"Rematch (Y/LN)" I slightly pushed her getting ready into my stance, as I bounded the ball over and over with one hand.
(Y/N) gave me a smug look before taking out her wallet and paying for another game. Once the ref told us to start (Y/N) and I were throwing the balls left and right. I felt my heart race and the adrenaline started to build up. I looked at my girlfriend concentrating. She stuck out her tongue just a bit, her eyes focused on the net. What a sight. Beautiful.

"HA— in your face Steinfeld. That's 2 for 2" (Y/N) clapped and jumped around. I swear she's a kid at times.

"You know, you could be a nice girlfriend and let me win" I pouted. (Y/N) leaned in and gave me a soft kiss before pulling back.

"I could, but then I wouldn't be able to win you this" (Y/N) turned to the young man who handed her a pretty big teddy bear. "Beautiful hazel eyes sweet and romantic just like yours" she said extending the bear towards me. I took it into my arms and looked at it. It had light brown fur, hazel eyes and a heart stitched to both It's paws. Written in Cursive the words I love you.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we began to continue walking, the sky was starting to get darker and the lights began to turn on. The whole pier was glowing. I shivered a bit when I felt the cold breeze. Before I knew it
(Y/N) had placed her sweater over my shoulders. It felt so warm and smelled sweet just like her.

We stopped when we reached the end of the pier and leaned against the wooded rails. We looked up at the sky and once more the day proved to be perfect as the Sky was cleared from the LA smog. The stars and moon both shined brightly. I turned my head, smiling widely when I noticed (Y/N) looking at me. She had those eyes that were full on love and life. So bright and vibrant.

"What?" I asked shyly.

"Just admiring the view" she smiled brushing a few loose strands from my face, tucking them behind my ear. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. So tender and soft. After a minute, oxygen was very much needed. "I love you Haylee" she whispered as she pulled away. I couldn't help but smile once again.

"Thank you" I said softly.

"For?" (Y/N) softly laughed, tilting her head just a bit. I wrapped my arms around hers leaning my head on her shoulder.

"For making me someone loved." I looked up to look at her bright eyes. "I love you (Y/N)." I said kissing her once more. She's perfect.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now