Kiss Cam

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Y/N's P.O.V

I didn't know what to think. Surely it must of been some kind of joke or something. When I looked at the envelope, looking at both sides, there was no address from any sender. That's why, when I opened the small envelope and two court side tickets for the Laker game fell out, I was a little taken back. Mainly because, one: I wasn't a basketball gal. Don't get me wrong I love the sport, and would play on occasion, but there's a difference between playing and watching the game. I found it boring sometimes. Second, Who the hell send me court side tickets to the Laker game. Should I trust that these tickets are real, or was someone playing a horrible prank on me.

"Whatcha got there (y/n)" that sexy husky voice, undoubtedly belonged to my best friend and roommate Hailee Steinfeld. She walked over to me with a look of curiosity. I looked at the tickets and back at her, glancing at the two, back and forth for a bit. Those bitches. I mentally thought, now putting two and two together. Hailee loved basketball, watching the game whenever she could, and sometimes she would record them, to watch them the next day. A hardcore fan. During my tour she stole my phone to watch the Lakers vs Miami Heat, because she ran out of data. And suddenly, I had two court side tickets to the Lakers vs bulls playoff championship game. And I know just the fuckers who send them.

The same fuckers who knew about my one side crush on Hailee. I sighed mentally, looking at Hailee who was still waiting on an answer. "Oh my tickets for the laker game arrived today" I said showing her the tickets. She rushed to my side almost pushing me away, looking at the tickets she somehow took from my hand. What the fuck, how did she do that, I raised a brow confused.

"Y-you got court side tickets to the championship game. How, these tickets have been sold out for weeks. I couldn't even get them" Hailee said in disbelief. She held them up into the light trying to make sure they weren't fake.

"Eh, I have two devils looking after me" I shrugged.

"You mean angels" she tilted her head a bit. She looked like a confused puppy. So cute.

"No, I mean Devils" I sighed taking the tickets out of her hands. If those idiots went to great lengths mights as well humor them. I knew they did this on purpose so I can finally ask out the girl of my dreams. I had the biggest crush on Hailee since the moment I walked into the studio to make a collab, for my new album 4 years ago. Since then we grew extremely close, and my feelings for her only increased by the day. I was good at masking my feelings. Not get flustered when she tease me, or look at me with her kissable face. If anything I was as cool as a cucumber on the outside, but on the inside I was a utter mess. Every time I got the courage to ask her out, something... or better yet someone always beat me to it.

She would always date these fuck boys, who would then break her heart and I have to sit there and listen to her crying, and my heart only breaks every time. I held her close. I know I can treat her way better then anyone can, and give her everything she ever wanted. Treat her like the queen she is. But, the only thing holding me back, is the fear of rejection, and our friendship going down the drain. I would rather keep my feelings a secret and live forever as just her friend, never ruining that because I made her uncomfortable or something by confessing. A girl can dream, and sometimes those dreams are better then reality.

I walked into my room, hearing the pitter-patter of Hailee footsteps walking behind me.

"So do you know who you're taking" she asked. I laid down on my bed, Hailee looking at me with pleading eyes and a wide smile.

"Uh... I don't know, maybe Selena" I said, knowing full well she was one of the fuckers that planned this.

"You cant" Hailee was quick to shut down my plan.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now