A Girl's Bestfriend

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(Y/N) P.O.V

"Come on Rocco. It's called a walk, not a lay on the sidewalk while my buddy drags me around" I huffed as I watched my dog laying around. "Come on... do something" I whined as I gently tugged the leash. Rocco just rolled over on the ground still not bothering to get up. I let out a deep breath bringing my arms to my hips. I thought for a minute before an idea popped into my head. "Rocco let's go get some food" was all I had to say for him to suddenly jerk up. He barked a few times and began to walk forward.

We were basically running now and honestly I was now regretting even leaving my house. Rocco was right, why exercise when you can lay around and do nothing. After a while I needed to catch my breath so I sat on the curb. Rocco sat besides me looking at the passerby's and the cars coming up and down the streets. God my lungs where on fire. Do people actually do this for fun.

I was about to grab Roccos leash and stand but Rocco decided he had other ideas. He began to run away and suddenly I heard a high pitch scream. I quickly got onto my feet running towards my dog who was now next to a girl on the ground. She was trying to get the papers she had dropped. "Shit my bad," I apologize for my dogs behavior. "Rocco isn't normally like this. He hates people" I said trying to pick up the scattered papers that were on the ground.

"It's fine. It's my fault I got excited when I saw him." She said laughing. I don't know what it was but that voice sounded angelic and soothing. It was like music to my ears.

Both her and I reached down to grab the same paper when our hands touched. I felt electricity shoot up my arm and into my entire body. When I looked up I saw them. Beautiful hazel eyes. The sun shined on them just right to make them out to be a light grey color. "Do I have something on my face" she asked touching her face a bit.

"Uh I-I Uh.. n-no. You have a nice face, beautiful in fact. Some might say it's a crime. Not that I'm saying your a criminal or anything. Well I mean you did take my breath away but maybe that was due to the run over here. I'm not much of a runner. Unless it's running for the front of the food line. And I should stop talking" I shut my eyes and clenched my fist in embarrassment. I cursed at myself for being so lame.

"I don't know, I think you're kinda cute" she laughed. She stayed on her knees petting Rocco and he seemed to be enjoying his head pats.

"Traitor" I mumbled under my breath. Looking at my dog getting more attention from a beautiful girl then me.

"You say something?" She asked.

"Y-yeah Your name" I said shyly. Her eyes widen just a bit.

"I'm so sorry. I'm here petting your dog like a creep and I haven't introduced myself." She suddenly stood up. "I'm Hailee" she smiled and extended her hand. I stood up as well taking a hold of her hand. They were soft and slightly cold. Couldn't blame her it was winter after all.

"(Y/N) nice to meet you" I said not once taking my eyes of her. I was brought out of my trance when I heard Rocco bark. "Oh and this is my buddy Rocco" I introduced my golden boy.

"Cute name. How did you come up with it" she asked.

"When he was a puppy all the other dogs were running around and being hyperactive and this little guy was just chillen like a rock. Lazy little fella." I said looked at my dog.

"Well he's adorable. Aren't you Rocco. Who's a good boy, who's a—" Hailee stopped baby talking and petting his head, before looking at me. Her cheeks turned beet read and she quickly looked away. "S-sorry" she said. She stood up once more fixing her coat. "I should go, I have work" she cleared her throat trying not to sound nervous, but failed miserably.

"Uh— do you wanna hang out sometime. Rocco seems to really like you and it will break his heart if he never saw you again" I said nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well I don't wanna break his heart" she smiled and took out a piece of paper. When she handed it to me I looked at it. She wrote name and number and I smiled.

"Great, I'll give you a call" I cheerfully said looking back at Hailee who was walking backwards.

"I hope you do (Y/N). Wouldn't want to break my heart either." She winked before turning around and walking away. When she was a good distance away I knelt down next to Rocco, both of us watching as the Hailee's figure vanished.

"Dogs really are a Girls best friend. Rocco you're getting extra treats when we get home" I said petting him. He barked a few times making me laugh.

Hi Haylee it's (Y/N). Would you like to
grab Coffee or something Friday

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now