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(Y/N) P.O.V

"BUT THATS NOT FAIR!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the mansion causing my voice to become much louder.

"This isn't up for discussion (Y/N)" my dad rested his hands on the marble kitchen island, leaning over, dropping his head in frustration. "You're making it sound like a punishment, rather then... then... a bonding experience" he gestured towards me.

"It is punishment... there is nothing about a bonding experience through cruel and unusual punishment" I scoffed crossing my arms. I was getting sick and tired of being treated like a child. Granted, I never really gave my parents any indication that I was a mature adult, but still.

"I call it making friends" my dad said.

"Having a babysitter isn't in the category for making friends. You're basically paying a stranger to come into our house and look at me for a month" I rolled my eyes. "I'm 18 years old, I can handle myself. I can be responsible" I tried to stand my ground, and prove that I can actually take care of everything. That there wasn't anything to worry about.

"Last time you said that you set the pool on fire. HOW THE HELL DO YOU SET FIRE TO WATER" my dad shouted in both anger and disbelief.

"In my defense that raccoon came out of nowhere."

"(Y/n Y/MN Y/LN)" my dad called me by the government which meant this discussion was no longer up for debate. Both him and I let out a breath we didn't know we were holding looking at one another.

My parents and I didn't have a bad relationship, far from it. In fact we were as close as a family could be. I was an only child since my mom couldn't have anymore kids due to complications so my parents treated me like a Princess. I wasn't a spoil brat or anything, I was actually well mannered and well behaved. Though, I did have those teenage rebellion phase. But that was only to spend more time with my family. Specially when you really don't see them as often as before. When I turned 13 that's when my parents began to travel for work and were only home for short periods of time before leaving again. The only people who took care of me were my butler Alfred and the head maid Rose. My parents would bring me a gift when they got back hoping that would make me feel better for leaving; it didn't but I always played it off and pretend I was happy.

This time was no different. They were leaving again for a month to check up on our Italian branch and I couldn't go with them. When I turned 18 that's when I was home alone. Alfred and rose retired and well it has just been me. And I was use to it. True there were time I threw major parties, amongst other things, but still it didn't mean I needed a babysitter.

"Look (Y/N) I have a buddy who has a daughter. She's a little older; only 21 so of course I asked if she was willing to hangout with you until your mother and I return" my dad broke the silence walking away from the kitchen counter and towards me.

"Are you paying her to "hangout" with me?" I asked putting the air quotes on hangout.

"Y-yes" he answered sheepishly.

"Then it's not really hanging out now is it. Dad I—"

"(Y/N) you know I wouldn't leave you here with someone random. Trust me, Hailee is an angel. The two of you use to play at lot when you were kids. This is your chance to rebuild that childhood friendships"

Before I was about to say anything the doorbell rang and my dad was quick to walk away and answer the door. I just continued to lightly kick my legs in the air, as I sat on the kitchen island waiting, dreading for this incounter. I knew going with them on their business trip wasn't an option, I still had school and everything. This is a nightmare. I whined.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now