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Laying on my bed, I could feel both anger and sadness as I watched my best friend cry her eyes out for the umpteenth time. Hailee got her heart broken last week when she caught her now ex-boyfriend Niall cheating on her with some cheerleader. But ever since then, Hailee has been in a daze and in tears doing laps in her head on why she wasn't good enough.

She said mumbling into my pillow, "(y/n) why doesn't anyone care for me. I try so hard to be the best girlfriend. I just... I just want someone to be there for me. Someone who will love me the way I love them." She sniffled her running nose. I quickly hand her a tissue and rub her back for comfort. "You're always there for me (y/n)" she added.

"You're my best friend since pre-K. Of course I'll always be there for you" I tried to sound as cheery as possible hoping that was enough to bring another form of emotion to the older girl. Maybe a smile. It broke my heart seeing her like this over a stupid guy no less. A cheating stupid guy.

Now because of him who shall not be named, Hailee has been bawling her eyes out and she hasn't slept at all. Literally we stayed up on the phone for hours as she talked about how hurt she was. I finally had enough and dragged her to my house, where she finally fell asleep. She looked a mess. Hailee shouldn't have to go through that. No one should have to go through that.

"(Y/n)" Hailee mumbled tiredly.

"Yes love" I said gently wiping a few tears away from her face. Caressing her cheek slowly.

"You care about me, right?"

"Of course I care. I will always care for you, and do everything for you" I said in a whisper not trusting my own voice.

"Then, if you're going to care for me. I want you to promise me that you'll treat my heart carefully"

"What" I raised a brow a bit confused. She got up a bit moving closer to, resting her heard on my chest as she wrapped her arm around me. I could feel her tears on my skin wondering if she could hear my racing heart.

Truth was, I did care for her, more then anything. In actuality I loved her since I found out what love really was. She was my first and only crush and still was. Yet I always kept my mouth shut because, I wanted Hailee to be happy. I heard about friends becoming lovers and ending up breaking up and hating each other. I didn't want that. I wanted Hailee close to me forever and I didn't care in what form. But deep down, I was jealous. And every time she came to me crying, I was pissed off. Yes some of her ex- did have a run in with stairs a couple of times, but no one could prove it was something other than an accident. I'd do anything for her.

"Haiz, you've been through so much." I couldn't help but laugh in frustration. "Every time you date someone, I don't know. They treat you like a side hoe" I said being honest with her like I always was. I was trying to make her see what I saw and Hope she'd find better suitors but... "Haiz"

"Wha?" She asked letting out a couple of hiccups due to her crying fit. "If I was dating you, I'd give you all my attention" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Yes I was tried of seeing my best friend and love of my life crying in my arms. That's why, I'll tell her how I feel. I'll make an attempt to make her happy myself. Treat her like the queen I know she is.

"Like when you're studying for finals. You're so focused you forget to eat and sleep" she laughed which made me laugh too.

"Of course. I'll even serenade you whenever you want"

"You sing really well, and I love when your play guitar"

"Haiz, I want to be with you every day. And I don't want to hurt you or make you sad, cause you any form of pain. I know you feel sad, and lonely"


"Every time you call me, i Can hear it in your voice. You play it off like it's nothing but I know. I just... I never said anything. You always held it in, but you forget I've known you all my life. You're see through. You got your heart broken, but I've been heart broken too." I sat up on the bed causing Hailee to sit up as well, she looked at me a bit confused knowing full well I've never been in a relationship longer then a couple of months nor have I ever told her how heart broken I got when I split from my partners. But I was heart broken, watching Hailee be with someone that wasn't me. "I went and caught feelings for you. I didn't mean to but, it just happened. And since then I've just kept falling more and more in love with you."

"W-wait hang on. So you're saying you... love me?" Hailee asked confused. "This whole time, you had feelings for me"


"Why didn't you tell me" she almost yelled.

"Because I was scared. I thought that if I told you how I felt our friendship would change. That you might not like me back and things would be awkward. And every time I finally got the courage to say something you'll be dating someone else. You looked so happy, I didn't want to take that away from you"

"But I wasn't" Hailee said unsure if she wanted to be mad or sad. She stopped crying, but her eyes still glossed. "Being with them didn't make me happy. I was only with them because, I wanted someone there for me. Someone who cares and loves me, but instead I got fuckboys. I was only with them because I wasn't with you"

"What?" It was my turn to be confused.

"I had a crush on you since middle school. But I always felt like I wasn't enough for you. You were miss popular because you played sports and I was just the nerdy girl who sat in the back of the class. I thought I would get over you if I dated but i didn't. You were all I could think about. But then I did start liking them, and somehow life punishes me for getting over you because I get my heart shattered every fucking time." Hailee laughed in frustration finally letting out everything she was holding in. I was surprised as well. I had literally no idea she felt this way.

"You had a crush on me" I couldn't help but smile as the words fell from my lips. It was like nothing else mattered in that moment.

"Of course I did. Who wouldn't" Hailee wipes the tears that threatened to come out. "I love (y/n), and you're the one I want to be with and I'm tired of holding it in. Tired of the heartache."


"(Y/n) would you like to go out with me" Hailee took a deep breath, with determination in her eyes.

"I would love to" I smiled as hailee grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me into a kiss that I longed for since middle school. Her lips felt just like I had imagined. Sweet, and soft. The kiss tender yet rough, with passion that made me feel intoxicated. I whined a bit when she pulled away.

"Then, please treat my heart carefully" she whispered before continuing the kiss. For her, I'll never leave her heartbroken. I can promise her that. I'll love her forever if she'd let me.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now