Free For You

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Hailee's P.O.V

It was already 8:30 pm and I was starting to lose my patiences. I was suppose to meet my boyfriend one hour ago and he was nowhere to be seen. It was our 4 month anniversary and I was sitting here looking like a sad girl who got stood up by her douche of a boyfriend; I mean I was, but still, it hurt. What made it worse was the waitress, who kept asking if I was ready to order. All I could do was smile politely and ask her for a little more time. That my date was just running late.

When the kind waitress left I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. People kept giving me apologetic looks like they knew and I just started to feel worse and worse. I could feel the tears in my eyes and the embarrassment. I looked at my watch and decided I'd look like a idiot for long enough. Before I could give up and get up to leave I notice a beautiful girl sitting down.

She smiled widely and explained loudly, "Sorry im so late, babe, traffic is crazy right now, and the boss held me back to help with a last minute project. But I'm here now, and I'm really sorry. Forgiven me my love" She pressed her hands together and gave me the best apologetic puppy dog pout I'd ever seen. If I knew who she was I would accepted her apology. She gave me a beautiful smile and handed me a single white rose with a plastic wrap around it.

"Ah, y-yeah—yes, babe. We're good" I smiled awkwardly watching as the rest of the people smiled, nodding in approval before going back to minding their own business like they should of done a long time ago.

"I'm (Y/N). Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn't bother to show up is a dick." She leaned in and whispered. "You look beautiful..."

"Hailee" I smiled back giving her my name. "And thank you. For not letting me suffer, and for the rose. Where did you—"

"Shop across the street. I saw you from the window as I was walking by, and you looked sad. So after half an hour I thought and kinda hoped you got stood up. Went across the street, bought that beautiful rose for a beautiful girl." She laughed a bit, and that was the cutest sound I'd ever heard. It was soft and soothing. I could listen to her laugh all night.

"So you stalked me for half an hour" I gave a smirk raising a brow.

"I-I Uh.. n-no I was looking out." She stuttered looking Every which way. Her cheeks giving off a light red color. Awe she was embarrassed.

"It's okay. I'm kinda glad you did." I gave a shy smile as I waved the waitress over. When she walked towards our table I saw the relief in her face that I wasn't stood up. She had a wide smile almost giddy ready to take our order.

Throughout the entire dinner (Y/N) and I couldn't stop laughing and I never felt this happy on a date before. (Y/N) was nothing but kind, sweet, respectful and just I don't know. Something about her made me feel like this was suppose to happen. Maybe I was suppose to get stood up in order to meet someone like this beauty right before me. It had only been an hour talking to (Y/N), an hour of getting to know her and an hour to realize how much I've been missing in my love life.

When we left, (Y/N) and I were walking the beautiful streets of New York. She placed her black leather jacket on my shoulders when a cold breezed passed through me.

"And here I thought chivalry was dead." I looked at (Y/N) with a shy smile.

"Well, I mean your date never showed up soooo" (Y/N) laughed rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

"Really, I think they showed up on time"

"Oh, is that so" she laughing looking forward. She took a deep breath and stopped in her tracks turning towards me. "Do you wanna get some ice cream or..."

"Ice cream... isn't it kinda cold"

"I-I... Uh w-well I was hoping to talk to you some more, before walking you home." she stuttered shaking her head just a bit. She was really smooth at dinner and now she was a nervous wreck. So adorable.

"Then I would love some ice cream" I couldn't help but grab her arm and lead her down to my favorite ice cream parlor that was actually open this late. Ice cream after a nice dinner, the ending to a perfect date. She was kind enough to pay for our frozen treat and continued to walk me home. She danced on the side walk here and there when we talked about our favorite genre of music. She sang a bit, her voice was angelic and soft. She even let me have some of her brownie mix ice cream. It sucked when we finally reached my place. I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet.

"Listen Hailee, I had a really good time today." (Y/N) said fidgeting with the hem of her long sleeve shirt.

"The feelings mutual (Y/N)"

"Really" she almost shouted in excitement but was able to hide it pretty fast. She cleared her throat just a bit. Damn could she be anymore adorable. "Then can i take you out on an actual date, and I promise to be on time... even early" she practically pleaded.

"Mmm, i don't know. I kinda liked the fashionably late thing you have going for you." I gave her a smug look. "I'd like another date with you" She smiled quickly taking out her phone. Once I put my number on it she was quick to call. Probably thinking I gave her the wrong number or something. The smile she had when I picked up was the highlight of the night. Her smile, I can look at it forever. It was the smile that was contagious. Could light up the entire city, and make you smile even if you didn't want to. It made me smile time and time again the entire day. So much so my cheeks began to hurt. Still the best feeling ever.

"Til next time Steinfeld" (Y/N) was about to leave but I quickly grabbed her arm. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning back to my apartment. I heard (y/n) let out a victory yes before running away jumping around all giddy. Yup, I different found the one. Thank you Niall for leaving me hanging.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now