If You're Meant to Come Back

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Hailee's P.O.V

"The best course of action is to join two kingdoms in an alliance, bound by marriage," My advisor Bastion said, shaking his head and looking at the many pieces of loose papers in his hand.

God I always hated this. Why does it always come down to marrying someone from another kingdom to become friends. Why can't we be friends. But I pondered on the idea for a moment. Then an Idea popped into my head.

"Then I shall marry their queen. I've heard she dislikes her suitors, and I can assure you I am more charming than them." I give bastion a smirk, watching his brow raise just a bit.

"I was going to suggest you marry the prince, the queen's brother. As tradition dictates."

"I don't want to marry a prince. I am a queen, and I will have someone of my status. Besides, I've met the prince. He's dull." I stood up from my throne, walking down the 3 steps to bastion. "She and I will make history together, in more way than one" I told him, staring him down.

Before Bastion even has the chance to open his mouth and protest the sounds of trumpets play around the castle. A sign that a royal visitor has entered my kingdom and my castle.

"Apparently someone thought of the same idea" Bastion let out a chuckle as a large group enters the throne room. Knights and noble members enter one by one in a panic, getting into position waiting for whoever the Royal member was gracing us with their presence.

"No you can't make me" I heard a loud voice shout. It was muffled a bit due to the stone walls and the door being closed but I heard it. I'm pretty sure everyone heard it since their heads were turning towards one another.

"Your majesty please, we're here now to get you in the game. Alliances can shift. Before they do, you my queen needs to win prince griffins heart" Another voice shouted back, begging and pleading.

"Im only 18 I don't want to marry anyone. You can't, and I won't" the voice shouted back a bit distressed. "If there was ever a time to start running, now would be it"

"Queen Y/n get down from that window!"

"You'll never take me alive, HAHAHA... Hey wait stop, Selena this is treason"

I raised a brow. What the hell was going on? Then the large wooden doors burst open and there was Queen Y/n fighting with her advisor. They were both putting each other in a choke hold, swinging back and forth. I laughed a bit at the sight. Mainly because Queen Y/n didn't care if she had an audience, and continued to do her own thing.

When she finally got out of her advisors hold, she let out a heavy sigh and fixed her crown. My eyes widen when I got a better look at her attire. Normally she would be dressed in the finest gowns, but instead she was wearing tight pants with brown leather boots that went past her knees, with a plain white long sleeve that had the sleeves rolled up, and was nicely tucked in. If anything she looked like she could be sailing the seven seas as a pirate then a queen. But maybe thats what I liked about her. God did she looks so fucking good in anything, but that outfit had me feeling some type of way.

"Listen up!" Y/n says in a loud and firm voice. "I hate all of you! Except for Hailee. Thats it. Thats my announcement" Y/n bows slightly before turning around and walking away. Her advisor pointed back my way and y/n sighed, turning back around like a scared little puppy.

"Now like we practiced" The advisor commanded.

"Okay I uh..." Queen y/n began, taking a peak at her hand that was out in front of her. She looked nervous, turning to her advisor who kept insisting to continue. "I Queen Y/n 
Y/Ln, from the Winter Kingdom would like Queen Kailee..."

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now