The Hunger Games

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Y/n' s P.O.V

Shooting up from my bed in a cold sweat, I try desperately to find some form of air into my lungs. Nightmare. It was just a nightmare. It's always just been a nightmare ever since that fateful day when I turned 12. Nothing has happened thankfully, and now that im 18 this would be my last year having my name in the reaping. But thats not what im worried about; having my name be plucked from the thousands in the bowl. No, what im worried about is my little sister Jay who will have her name in the bowl for the first time.

I take a deep breath and go outside to get air. The sun is barley out and everyone is still in their homes. The reaping isn't until 2 so everyone is trying to either sleep in or spend as much time as they can with their families.

"You're up early" I stop walking turning around to see my best friend Stacy.

"Im surprise you're awake at all" I laughed, standing in place until she reaches me. We both stand there, staring at one another not bothering to say anything. Its always like this between us when the yearly hunger games come around. Then we just start walking.

District 12 or the Seams as it is nickname is the poorest district in all of Panem, and just so happened to be my home. It isn't much on the inside... but once you get to the outside over the high chain-link fence is a vast forest terrain. The most beautiful part of my district.

Stacy doesn't like to go into those parts. She's scared. And she has every right, if they catch you over the fence it's punishable by death. Still it is the only place I find comfort in. But for her sake, I know she's just as worried and we spend the entire time aimless walking around.

"Are you scared?" Stacy finally breaks the silence. I really wish she didn't. Especially after what she said next. "Don't worry. It's only your sisters first year. Everyone knows you never get chosen your first year"

I stopped in my tracks. My little sister means the world to me. She is the only family I have left. My dad died in the coal mine, and my mother has been sick ever since. Im the one that hunts in the outskirts of the district to put food on the table. Im the one that makes sure we have enough fire wood for the cold brutal winters. Not to mention all the extra time I added my name in exchange for tesserae. Each tesserae is worth a meager years supply of grains and oil for one person.

But I can't exactly get mad at Stacy. Especially since she has done everything to help my family as well as hers. She's really smart and knows how to make medicine. As long as I go to the forest and get her the right plants she can make almost anything to her knowledge. And the other times she add her name for tesserae when her family and even mine need it.

My name is in the bowl 32 times, but Stacy... her odds aren't in her favor with 42. It was because of her, my family aren't starving as much. She's a good kind hearted person. Fragile, and gentle.

Before we know it everyone is gathering in the town square. I meet up with Jay and try to reassure her that everything is going to be fine. Tell her that her name is only there out of thousands and she has more chances than anyone. But she clings onto me tightly. I feel her shaking body tremble in fear, and I feel her tears start to seep through my shirt. I pull her back and wipe the tears away.

"Whatever happens it will be okay at the end, I promise" I tell her, as we get ready to check in.

"Dont worry little mockingJay, whatever happens your big sis (y/n) and I will protect you" Stacy always tries to calm my little sister, using her nickname she given her when we were little. Jay always followed us and try to do everything we did. Copying us because she wanted to be a part of our group, so Stacy called her mockingJay, in honor of the many birds we have here in the district.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now