A Rare Gift

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Hailee's P.O.V

Let's get one thing straight before I tell you how I ended up in the dressing room of the hottest celebrity in the world,
(Y/N Y/LN).

See I have this... let's call it gift. Yes, this rare gift to make people fall in love with me. But there is a catch. You see in order for them to fall in love with me, I sorta, kinda, have to kiss them.

Weird I know but let me explain. It all started when I was in the 8th grade and I got the roll in my middle school play Snow White. I was the lead and this boy who played the prince kissed me and let's just say the rest of 8th grade year was trying to get him away from me. I told him I'll love him if he stayed away from me... forever, which some how worked. At first I thought it was just dumb luck but nope. It happened again. 10 times to be exact and each time ended in disaster. I swore to never kiss anyone again, until I knew I actually loved that person back. Still no one had that, spark I yearned for. That was until I saw (Y/N Y/LN) preform at a concert my best friend Selena took me to. Let's just say I feel in love. Hard.

I mean what wasn't to love. Her voice was soothing and just heavenly. She was beautiful, light (e/c) that were so vibrant and so full of love and life. Beautiful (h/c) that wasn't to long, or too short, but the right length to bring out her facial features. But most importantly, the way she smiled. It was that smile that made you smile, even if you had a bad day. A smile that shine brighter then the sun. So bright you couldn't help but look away trying to hide your own smile. Something about (Y/N) just made me fall in love. I just wanted her to fall in love with me. I'm sure I'd make her the happiest person ever. Just like she makes me.

So when I heard she was in town for a concert I just had to go. I guess it worked in my favor since she just ended their relationship with Lauren Jauregui a few month ago. Which meant she was single and for the taking.

So there I was, with my best friend Selena waiting in line for the meet and greet. I was impatiently waiting, sticking my head out the line every few seconds trying to get a closer look at my future wife. "Fuck, i don't think this is a good idea" I said bitting the tip of my thumb.

"Relax, you'll be fine" Selena laughed as she continued to play on her phone. We've been childhood friends and she knows about my gift. She was the one who basically got rid of the obsessive lovers for me. She saved me more times then I could count.

"Okay but how do I make up an excuse to kiss (Y/N) that doesn't make me sound like a crazy fanatic" I ran my fingers through my hair trying to take deep breaths.

"Does it really matter?" Selena laughed causing me to raise a brow. I crossed my arms in front of my chest giving the older girl my full attention. She sighed and put her phone in her back-pocket wrapping her arm around my shoulders pulling me closer. "Do whatever it takes to kiss (Y/N) because once you do, she'll fall in love with you and won't want to press charges"

"The confidence is strong in this one" I laughed pushing her away. I gave Selena a smug look as we both smiled mischievously.

I was almost next in line, watching as (Y/N) laughed and talked with a few fans. When our eyes met she gave me what appeared to me a shy smile and a small wave. It wasn't long before I felt a tug in my heartstrings. Sure I loved (Y/N) but I couldn't manipulate her like that and maintain morality. I can't just kiss her, she wouldn't give consent to be kissed and didn't give consent with to be hexed to fall in love with me. Now I was really starting to feel like a horrible person.

"Next" I heard a male voice shout politely, Selena giving me two enthusiastic thumbs up. I gave her a weak smile before turning on my heel and walking towards my celebrity crush. As I do I accidentally trip on my own two feet and as I fall
(y/n) catches me knocking her to the ground as I land on top of her and accidentally kissed her on the lips. It was a total accident I swear. I didn't mean for it to happen.

"S-sorry I'm so sorry" I said rushing to get off of her. "I didn't mean... I just... I'm a klutz and—"

"It's okay no worries. It happens" she laughed a bit before getting up to her feet. When she did she reached her hand out to mine. I took her hand and she helped me back up. "Are you okay" she asked politely checking me for any injuries.

"N-no I'm fine thank you" I said weakly feeling so guilty. I didn't mean for it to happen. I didn't mean to trip and fall and I didn't mean to make (Y/n) fall in love with me. Not like this at least.

"Are you sure you're okay?" (Y/n) asked a bit worryingly. Again I gave a weak smile trying to play off my sadness and guilt. I turned to look back into (y/n) eyes waiting for her crazy swooning but she didn't. Her eyes weren't crazy, nor were they obsessive. In stead her eyes were soft and kind. I never seen eyes like that after I'd kiss someone. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She raised a brow. "Do I have something on my face" she was quick to grab my phone to look at her face for anything.

"No it's just... can I ask you a question?" I asked. (Y/N) just nodded her head. "Are you... in love with me?"

"In love with you" she furrowed her brows before letting out a laugh. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but... I just met you. I mean I believe in love at first sight and all" she calmed down her laughter wiping a fake tear from her eyes.

"But I kissed you" I said now confused. (Y/n) raised a brow still keeping that amused expression.

"And it was a lovely kiss," she said crossing her arms in front of her chest. "I don't even know you're name"

"Hailee... my name It's Uh Hailee" I extended my hand for her to take. She grabbed it and pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but melt into her arms. Something about her was just so... safe.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She pulled back brushing a few strands of hair from my face.

"(y/n) we have to wrap this up, you still have fans waiting" the security guard whispered towards (y/n). She looked back at the line noticing a few more people before turning back to me.

"I should get going. It was... it was nice meeting you (y/n) I'm your biggest fan." I said above a whisper still confused about why my kiss didn't work.

"Hailee, I meant what I said about love at first sight." I heard (y/n) say. "I saw you, during the concert and I don't know I thought your were the most beautiful girl in the crowd. During the meet and greet I kept trying to look for you hoping you'd show up. When I saw you talking to your friend I got happy, and nervous." She rubbed the back of her neck still keeping that soft smile.

"You were nervous to meet me?" I asked.

"Y-yeah. Though it did take me by surprise when you trip and kissed me. Not that I'm complaining, but Uh, if it's okay with you. Would you like to get dinner with me... I'd like to get to know you a little more if that's okay"

"Y-yeah. I'd like that."

"Great, let me finish up here and we'll see from there. Can you wait in my dressing room" (y/n) pointed to the direction of her room and her assistant was there to give me access. I turned to Selena waving her over towards me, and she was quickly by my-side.

"So is she head over heels in love with you now" Selena grabbed my arm intertwining it with hers.

"N-no?" I asked more as a question. Selena just gave me a confused looked telling me to explain. "I kissed her, but she didn't drop to her knees asking for my hand in marriage. She was chill almost like it didn't have an effect on her."

"So how come we're going to her dressing room, if she's not in love with you" Selena asked.

"She said she wanted to get to know me. She told me she believed in love at first sight. Maybe... Maybe it didn't work because she was already in love with me." I tried hard to find an explanation. The thought of (y/n) actually liking me for me and not my gift made me happy. At least I hoped that was the case. Whatever it was I wanted to find out more. So for now, I'll wait in this dressing room, in hopes of actually having
(y/n) love me for me. Because she wants to love me. I hope she does, because I just fell in love with here even more.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now