If By Chance

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

When I told my best friend I would hang out with them after constantly begging, I thought it would be just the two of us. They never said anything about meeting their new girlfriend. Every since they got into a relationship it's always them hanging out with her. I wasn't jealous or anything. Far from it. If they wanted to spend quality time with their girlfriend, hey by all means go for it. But when they're consistently flaking on plans, or asking for rain-checks, one stops caring. I loved my best friend, but I didn't like making plans only to cancel them when I could use that time for something else. That does get annoying.

Anyways, where was I... oh yeah. See (Y/F/N) asked to grab lunch and I'd agreed only to get there and them telling me their girlfriend was on her way to join. I raised a brow but figured I could finally see just how beautiful this Hailee girl really was.

We waited for about 10 minutes when a black BMW parked by the sidewalk close to our outside table. When she got out, I couldn't help but take a double take. When she finally did notice us, she stopped.


I saw her taking a deep breath while walking more hesitant towards us. (Y/F/N) got up and hugged Hailee. They were about to give her a kiss but she quickly turned her face and their lips landed on her cheek. I couldn't help but stare in disbelief. She was here. She was fucking here of all place.

"Babe... this is"

"(Y/n)" Hailee cut my friend off. Her voice was shaking, scared almost.

"Y-yeah. You two know each other" they asked.

"You Can say that" Hailee said still looking at me. There was something in her eyes... hurt. Sadness. Broken.

"Hailee, it's been a while." I said bitterly finally able to get out of my trance of seeing my high school girlfriend.
Sorry, ex-girlfriend. That heartbreaking, piece of ahhh there were no words of how I was feeling. But one thing was for sure. I felt my heart break all over again.

"It has... far too long" Hailee let out a sad chuckle. Why was she sad. She was that one that left me.

Lunch was... not awkward but it wasn't great. (Y/F/N) was blissfully unaware out the tension between Hailee and I. They were happily talking throughout the entire hour. I had half a mind to take my water and pour it on Hailee's head. Yell at her, hit her... something. But I couldn't.

Hailee told my friend that we went to middle and high school together. But she left out the part where we dated for 5 fucking years before she left me without a single word. Just vanished into thin air. How she took everything away from me when she left. Instead she just said we were classmates and sports teammates.

When lunch was finally over I was quick to say my good-byes and begin my walk home. I held the urge to cry the whole time, but as soon as I was out of their sight I finally let the tears escape. I tried to tell myself that I didn't care anymore. That I moved on. I tried to accept the fact that my friend was now in a relationship with the only person I loved more then anything. The one I gave everything too. My first everything.

"(Y/N)" I heard that familiar voice shout my name. I didn't turn. I just kept walking. "(Y/N) let me explain" she yelled once more. Still I didn't bother to give her my attention. I heard rustling and foot steps approaching me. She was quick to get in front of me placing her hand on my shoulders preventing me from moving.

"Don't touch me" I quietly said gently slapping her hand away. I didn't have any strength to yell. I kept my head down, not wanting her to see the tears in my eyes. "Can you move... I want to go home now" I said sniffling up my nose, walking past her.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now