Cool Kids

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Hailee's P.O.V

You know when they say high school was the best years of their life. Well that was a fucking lie, or maybe it was just me. Someone who is always in the background, quiet and nerdy. Invisible. That's how I liked it; no one bothered me and I didn't bother them. Did I have friends? Just a couple, Taylor and Selena. They were the only friends I needed. Was I in any sports teams or clubs? No I was not. Like I said. I was just the quiet kid in the back who no one bothered unless it was for trivial matters such as letting someone barrow a pencil or paper. Its okay I wanted that. That was until I met (Y/N) senior year.

I've seen and heard of (y/n) (y/Ln) since freshman year. She was the talk of the school, the heather or Regina George. The Queen B so they call her. The captain of the girls soccer and softball team, straight A student, and the biggest bitch in school. Or so the stories goes. She was crazy hot and had a bad girl reputation and I had the hugest crush on her, I mean who didn't. But she was popular and me... well you already know.

"Hailee.... Hailee" I felt someone shaking me and I slowly opened my eyes. It was Selena who was desperately trying to wake me up. Wake me up... crap don't tell me. "Hailee your test. Mr. Peterson asked me to collect them" Selena said extending her hand to take my paper. Fuck. I quickly look down and see that I have yet to answer any questions, expect for writing my name and date. Did I seriously fall asleep during our exam. I thought looking at the paper hoping I can just take a guess at the answers.

"Fuck why did it have to be chemistry and why isn't it multiple choice" I whispered in a defeated tone. Selena placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Sorry Haiz, maybe if you spend more time studying and not playing video games you'd actually do your test" Selena laughed trying to cheer me up but failed miserably. Before I was able to hand my paper to Selena I see a hand reach over and take my paper. I quickly turn to my left and see (y/n) looking at it.

"Hailee. Oh i and two ee's... i like it" I barley heard her whisper.

"Uh (y/n) c-can I uh... can I have my paper back" I stuttered unsure if it's from being nervous around my crush or scared that she might bully me. She didn't say anything just took her pen and wrote my name on her paper before erasing my name and writing her name on my paper. Then she got up taking the stack of papers from Selena's hand and placing them on top of Mr.. Peterson's desk. I saw her talk to him for a moment, both laughing before he smiled and she heads back to the table. She grabbed her sports bag and placed it over her shoulder ready to leave.

"(Y/n)" I say her name standing in front of her. She raised a brow but didn't say anything. We've been seat neighbors for half the school year and we never talked before. She is always either zoned out, looking out the window daydreaming or not at school at all. This was the first time we actually talked.
"Y-you uh.. my test... paper... m-my name paper you wrote on your Hailee" I tightly shut my eyes knowing full well I just butchered that entire sentence. I heard Selena snickering trying to hold in her laugh. "You wrote my name on your paper?" I was finally able to make a coherent sentence.

"I did" she smiled letting out a soft laugh.

"C-can I ask why?" I saw her avert her gaze for a quick second before looking back at me.

"Well you fell asleep and the exam was worth 50% of our grade." She said nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders like she did not just cheat on a test for me. "Besides it gave me a chance to know your name" she smirked walking past me. Before she could reach the door I grabbed her arm.

"I want to thank you for helping me out. How can I make it up to you" I asked.

"It's fine seriously" she had on that bright smile as before.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now