Hailee Vs Hayley (Requested)

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No lie though stream Cliffs Edge and Demons by Hayley Kiyoko those two are my favorite songs. And chance. Actually stream her entire music cause why not.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I walked into the studio, looking all around impressed with what I was seeing. There were lights and camera everywhere and people running around. I could feel the excitement and nervousness building up, and I couldn't wait to get started.

"There she is. (Y/n  Y/Ln) my savior" the voice came out of nowhere, but as soon as i saw the owner I couldn't help but smile widely.

"Kiyoko!" I yelled cheerfully. She run up to me smashing into me, picking me up into a tight hug, and spun me around. I couldn't help but laugh hugging her back. After what felt like forever, Hayley finally let me down, placing her hands on my shoulder checking me out.

Hayley and I have been friends for years but we haven't seen or talked to each other in a while due to our insane schedule. So when she hit me up to be apart of her Cliffs Edge music video, I dropped everything to agree and help.

Only one problem.

"Hey isn't that your girl over there?." Hayley pointed behind me. I quickly turn to see Hailee crossing her arm as she tapped her foot rapidly. She reminded me of thumper from Bambi. Only angrier. Yeah when I said drop everything, it was mainly me leaving the set of Dickinson and not watch Hailee film. Did I mention I just dipped. Without telling her. Oops.

"Haiz" I said nervously, scared for my life. An angry Hailee, as adorable as she was, she was dangerous. "Whatcha doing here baby" I continued with my nervous shaky voice. I was fucked. And not in a good way.

"So you ditched me to go here" she raised a brow looking all around. She noticed Hayley and walked towards us. She stood next to me wrapping her arm around my waist possessively. "Who's this babe" she smiled. I gulped.

"Babe, this is Hayley my friend. Hayley this is my girlfriend... Hailee" I introduced. Hayley had a cheerful smile extending her hand. Hailee took her and shook it.

"You really have a thing for girls name Hailee huh babe" Hailee said in a cheerful voice. It sounded playful, but I could tell there was some hostility in it. "So what are you doing here" she ask curiously this time.

"Oh, I'm here to help Hayley with her Cliffs Edge music video. She called last minute and said she really needed my help so I agreed" I gave her an honest answer. Hailee only nodded.

"Yeah, one of my actors fell sick and we needed to get the video started right away. It was a last minute decision, but when I saw that (y/n) was here in New York I though who better. She is a life saver." Hayley further explained, still trying to keep that friendly atmosphere. She was a really nice person.

"Oh, well if that's the case do you mind if I stick around" Hailee asked.

"The more the merrier. (Y/n) why don't I take you to your dressing room so you can get into your outfit and get your hair and make up done" Hayley gestured us to follow her. The whole walk Hailee was holding my hand tightly.

"She seems nice" Hailee whispered.

"Baby" I sighed.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now