The Dare

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Narrator's P.O.V

Taylor raised a brow as she saw you and Hailee sitting across from her bickering about which superhero was better. Hawkeye or the Green Arrow. Two superhero's from two totally different franchises. She watched as the two of you got into animated details and all she could do was smile widely every time either of you, casually touched the other.

Taylor was the only one who knew about yours and Hailee's crush on one another. She wasn't blind. She saw the way the two looked at each other. Friends don't look at friends that way. Still It seemed that the only people oblivious to their crushes were you two. That's why she had a plan to stop the pain, and finally get you together. See, both you and Hailee loved dares. So much so that you two would never back out of them. Both wanted to prove to each other that they weren't scared of anything.

"Ladies" Taylor said mischievously. It caused you to get chills and Hailee to raise a brow. Both finally stopping their banter. "Let's play a game" she smiled.

"Oooeee I love games" you laughed pushing your empty plate off to the side of the table.

"What kind of game swift" Hailee said crossing her arms in front of her chest in interest.

"I Dare you (Y/N) and you Hailee to act like a couple for 24 hrs" Taylor gave a devilish grin. You were now choking on your own oxygen, Hailee's looking between both Taylor and you in disbelief. "What's wrong (Y/LN), Steinfeld. Is this the day you two finally back out of a dare?"

"In your dreams Swift." Both Hailee and you said in unison.

"You do realize, you'll have to be a third wheel right?" Hailee smirked trying to find a way out of this. Hailee didn't want to make it obvious that she had a huge crush on her childhood friend by refusing so she agreed. Little did she know, you felt the same way.

"Of course, someone has to be your personal photographer. You can pay me later. 5$ a pop" she laughed as she made her way out the booth she was sitting in. "Let's go we have a date" she laughed walking away.

Through the majority of the day the two of you where blissfully unaware of your other friends presence. Instead just continued walking wherever, holding hands and laughing. Hailee rested her head on your shoulder as she had her arms wrapped around yours while you two walked down Central Park.

You bought Hailee ice cream when you noticed how she kept eyeing the small shop. She loved how you already knew what flavor ice cream she liked and what toppings were her favorite. She smiled when you wiped the ice cream off the corner of her mouth with your thumb. You wanted to so desperately kiss her but you didn't know the boundaries. But you knew you had to take advantage of this moment.

So you took her to the movies to watch the new avengers film. Throughout the movie you had your arm wrapped around her as she laid her head on your shoulder, her arm draped over your stomach. Caressing her cheek softly with your thumb, placing soft kisses on the top of her head. The movie was loud, but somehow being in that position made you so relaxed you could almost fall asleep. But instead you watched Hailee slowly eating her popcorn, focused on the movie. You smiled when she missed the straw to her mouth when she wanted a sip of coke. Still she kept her eyes locked on the screen and her grip around you.

After the movies you saw that it was getting dark. Hailee leaning her head on your shoulder, eyes barley open. Getting out of her hold you walked in front of her kneeling down.

"What are you doing" she asked confused.

"You're tired and the walk to your place is only a few minutes. Get on" you said.

"It's okay (Y/N) i Can walk" Hailee tried to reassure you that she was fine, but you didn't care.

"I know. But I also know you hate physical activity when you're tired" you turned to face her. She had a soft smile on her lips nodding a bit. She gently fell on your back wrapping her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist. When you stood up, you jerked Hailee a bit to adjust her in a more comfortable position. She let out a tiny Yelp tightening her hold on you but not enough to choke you.

"I'm sorry if I weigh you down" Hailee said nervously. You felt shivers run down your spine upon feeling Hailee's warm breath on your ear. You swore you could almost feel her lips on your neck.

"It's okay if you weigh me down, it lets me know that you're there" you smiled happy that Hailee couldn't see your blush. As you walk down the sidewalk, the streetlights turned on one by one. For the first time you were the happiest girl in the world. Being with the girl you loved since you two were kids. This day was a dream come true. Yeah it was only a dare, maybe Hailee didn't feel that way and she was only acting, but a part of you wanted to believe she felt what you felt today. What you feel everyday being around her.

"Thank you" you heard her whisper

"For what" you asked continuing your stroll.

"For being my friend"

You stopped in your tracks. The words shot your heart like a bullet at point blank. You felt your blood run cold and your skin becoming pins and needless.

"What if... what if I don't want to be your friend" you said without warning. The words just fell out and you couldn't catch them.

"What" you felt Hailee wiggle out of your grasp getting down from your back. She walked in front of you, facing you. You saw the look on her face. It was sad and confused. You took a breath. You decided to dare yourself to finally take that big step. "(Y/N)" Hailee reached to cup your face. You place a hand on top of hers holding it.

"I had a real good time today" You began

"Me to-" she smiled.

"I have a good time being with you everyday. But today. Today felt extra special and I want to keep spending more day like this with you... if you let me?"

"What are you trying to say" she asked stepping closer to you. The two of you know mere inches away.

"I like you Hailee. I've always liked you. Since the first day I met you in the 3rd grade when I jumped off the swings and landed on you. I fell for you, and I'm hoping you'd catch me like before. Hailee would you like to—" before you could even finish your question you felt a pair of soft lips on your. You were taken back a bit but were able to melt into the kiss. You grabbed her waist pulling her closer to you, savoring every bit of the kiss.

When Hailee pulled away she looked up at you. You saw her hazel eyes shining brightly, so vibrant. "Yes" Hailee answered before kissing you once more.

"Fucking Finally" both you and Hailee jumped looking all around for the voice. You saw Taylor popping her head out of the bushes and a huge camera in her hand. Hailee and you couldn't stop laughing forgetting that the blond was still following the you two around. "These are 4K. I'm charging extra" Taylor waved her camera around before turning on her heel and leaving.

"When did she get that camera" she asked the important question.

"I don't know, but You know we have to thank her for today right" Hailee laughed turning back to look at you.

"We'll thank her later. For now I wanna keep kissing you" you pulled Hailee close once more crashing your lips into hers. It was official. Today was definitely the best day of your life.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now