Don't Go Yet

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Get ready Biatch, cause we're going out tonight, (y/n)" I was nose deep into my textbook when I heard my roommate begin to pester me. She was really trying to push me to go out clubbing with her and a few other friends. It was the same routine every weekend. I thought she would give up after constantly turning her down, but she was determined to get me to go out.

"Maggie as a law student I, physically, emotionally, and mentally can not take a break." I sighed trying to keep my focus on my textbook and notes. It proved useless, she grabbed my chair and pulled me away from my desk. She turned me around, and I could finally see her angry face.

"(Y/n) just one night. That's all I'm asking. I'm trying to help you not burn out." She pleaded.

"One night" I raised a brow, suspiciously.

"Yes. One night and if you don't enjoy yourself then I will never ask you out ever again" she placed her hand over her heart, giving me her Girl Scout honor. I sighed and begrudgingly agreed. She jumped around in content squealing.

This is going to be my night isn't it, I mentally sighed shaking my head. I love Maggie, she was my best friend and helped me a lot when I needed to study. She was very extroverted, which is more then I could say about me. I'm so introverted due to school I forgot what the sun sounded like.

When I stepped out of the car, my ears began to hurt and my chest felt like it was getting hit by a sludge-hammer. There was a snake line that wrapped almost all around the building. Suddenly my body decided to tense up.

"Seriously (y/n) you've got to relax. You look like you have a fake ID scared of being caught" Maggie laughed as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. A few other friends began to try and get me to calm down, and joking around which did make me feel better. I didn't want to be a buzz kill, and I really didn't want to be here, but I guess I can make an attempt to have fun.

"Last time i went to a club was when I was 18 and a freshman in Uni. That was 3 years ago" I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"It's a club, babe. Calm down, you act like you're the one preforming. So unless you're going to give a presentation on legal terminology, be an actual 21 year old alcoholic like our high school days and live a little" Maggie laughed digging into her small purse. "Here, some liquid courage" the raven hair girl pulled out a flask and handed it to me.

"Alright fuck it" I snatched it from her hand and took a big sip of her strawberry vodka. As soon as we stepped into the club, everyone was singing and dancing all around. It was so loud I couldn't here anything. The strobe lights were illuminating the entire room, and there were a couple of huge beach balls being tossed around into the air. Maggie grabbed my arm and began to pull me towards the bar.

Before I had a chance to tell the bartender my drink order another one placed a drink right in front of me and gave me a quick smirk. I raised a brow, about to tell him that I didn't order the drink, but he put his hand out to stop me.

"You caught someone's eye" he said over the loud music.

"I literally just got here" I said looking at the drink. It was definitely a Long Island. I'm not much of a drink expert but I know a Long Island when I see one.

"Damn look at you (y/n), turning heads." Maggie laughed nudging my arm. I slid the drink over to her.

"Go on. Taste tester"


"What? im not taking a drink from a stranger. You don't know what they put in it"

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now