Cheating On You

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. All day my phone has been blowing up and everything seem like it was crashing down, and I couldn't do anything about. Video after video, picture after picture, there was a lot of fans sharing their thoughts; both positive and negative.

On my computer screen was an article about me and Lauren kissing during a late night out. Just seeing this picture made my blood run cold and felt so... guilty.

"I shouldn't of done this. I knew it was a bad idea" I sighed closing my laptop shut. Pushing it to the side, I laid my head down trying to keep the tears from escaping.

"What? Start dating... Y/n it's been 2 years. You deserve a chance to get back out there and find happiness" Sofia said as she placed her hand on top of mine trying to comfort me. It failed.

"I know you're trying to help, Carson but... I just want to be alone" I turn my head away from her.

"You and Hailee broke up, and you have been wallowing for two years and know that you finally decided to go out and have fun--"

"I didn't have a choice" I cut Sofia off, glaring at her. I didn't mean to take out my anger on my friend, but I was feeling all these emotions, I couldn't stop myself from yelling. "Going out last night, kissing Lauren... that was a mistake that should of never happened."

Sofia took a deep breath. I could tell she was trying hard, trying to find some comforting words, or something to help me see this situation in a different light. But I couldn't, I literally felt like I cheated on my ex-girlfriend. Even if we weren't together, even if we have been separated for 2 years. I still loved her, and to me... I still felt like I betrayed her, cheated on her, and just... wanted to believe that deep down, there would still be a chance to fix things between hailee and I, but now.

"Y/n" Sofia called out to me. "Dont say you didn't have a choice, because you did. You chose to go out with Lauren last night"

"Because I was jealous" I said in the most broken voice I ever spoke. I was defeated. I lost everything and now, the last bit of hope I had left vanished. I had nothing. I was done. "I saw the media posting about Niall and Hailee, and I saw the tweets. She moved on and I don't know, I took advantage of Laurens feelings for me" I sighed. I could feel the knot in my throat as the beads of tears begin to fall one by one.

Hailee and I had dated for 4 years. Everything was going so well, and life was feeling perfect. We both had our careers in the same industry, but eventually we found out it wasn't as perfect as the movies made it out to be. We loved each other so much, tried everything for one another but... sometimes... sometimes love isn't enough. I went on a world tour and Hailee had a few movie project so we didn't see each other, and rarely spoke. We were just so busy we eventually drifted apart.

When I got home from tour, I walked into our shared home as saw Hailee with suitcases behind her. At first I thought she was leaving for filming, but when she sat me down to talk, She was actually leaving... me. I wanted to fight for us, wanted to work it out, but we both knew we tried and we failed. I said goodbye to her and she said it too. That was 2 years ago, and ever since then I've been a complete mess.

Seeing her move on, with someone new killed whatever chances I thought I still had. I was angry, and sad, wanting her hurt her the same way, but in the end It backfired. The only one the got hurt was me. Hell Hailee probably doesn't even care. Or maybe she's happy that I moved on. Who knows?

"Y/n you deserve too learn to move on and be happy. You'll get there one day. I promise" Sofia said, standing up from her chair and giving me a tight hug, which I was happy to return. She gave me a kiss to my head before walking out of the studio room.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now