Snowball Effect

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I love many things in life. I love my bed, food, my girlfriend Hailee, Hailee in my bed. But there's one things that just sends me over the edge. Snow. I love snow more than anything in the world. It's so cold, and so fun to play with. Throwing snowballs at people is just the best stress reliever ever. Now being from LA we don't get snow... at all. Maybe once every 1000 years when the moon is blue and the stars are alined. But until that day it's sunny Los Angeles. That's why during winter, I sneak my way out of the city and into the beautiful outdoors that is Big Bear Lake.

Hailee never has time to hang out during that time since she's either filming or working on music. I don't mind it though. She loves doing her job and she's happy when she's creating something new. We hangout when we can and I take full advantage of the days we have together. But since she is always busy I have to find ways to entertain myself. And one of those ways was going out and exploring. So when Hailee was busy one day I took a drive to big bear just for fun and when I got there, I felt like I was in the North Pole. Snow and snow and so much snow. From that day on I decided to pack my bags and spend a week just enjoying the outdoors.

It had been a tradition to head out there during winter, and renting a cabin. Hailee could never go since she was busy as always, so I was surprised to see her walking over towards me with a suitcase in hand. She had on a comfortable heavy jacket with black jeans and boots. A grey knitted beanie on her head made her so adorable.

"Are you going filming... or staying at the studio" I asked fixing the last of my stuff in my jeep.

"Wha— no I'm going with you on vacation" she said cheerfully handing me her heavy suitcase. Does she have her entire closet in here. Why is it so heavy.

"Baby, it's not a vacation. It's a week of survival and hard core stunts trying to conquer the highest mountains" I shook my head placing her stuff down.

"Are you leaving the city?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied

"Are you staying somewhere that has a bed and a place to eat"


"Is it isolated"

"I'm some way, yes"

"Then It's a vacation. And I'm going" she smiled widely placing a kiss on my confused face, before making her way into the passengers seat. I knew I couldn't win when hailee had put her mind to something. She was stubborn, but it would be nice to spend time with her.

Just thinking about cozying up next to each other, by the fireplace. Watching movies. It was perfect. With my new resolved I put her stuff in the trunk and began our journey to the mountains.

When we got to the cabin the first thing Hailee did was try to catch the snowflakes that were falling in her mouth. She looked so cute running around. There was a good amount of snow of the ground which was perfect for Hailee to make snow Angels. Then she decided to make a small snowman, waiting for me to finish putting everything away. Yes, she played while I did all the heavy lifting. As it should.

When I was done I couldn't help but stare at her. Laughing and smiling, happy. She jumped around enjoying every bit of the snow. Then a mischievous grin appeared on my face. The devils horns were making their way out. I grabbed some snow in my hands squeezing it together to make a ball. I tossed it in the air a few times catching it. Then I threw it, hitting Hailee in her perfect ass.

I was quick to retreat back inside watching has Hailee looked around in confusion. I snickered a bit.

"Did you throw a snowball at me" Hailee raised a brow looking at me. She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now