Drunken Stranger

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Hailee's P.O.V

I felt the bright, warm rays of the sun shining down onto my face. I didn't bother to open my eyes, nor did I bother to move since I was feeling warm and comfort. I suddenly felt a shift next to me, and my once closed eyes burst open. I stayed still, holding my breath, hoping it was my imagination or my puppy, but when I slowly turned my head I saw someone next to me.

'Shit' I mentally thought. I picked up the covers just a bit, and realized I was completely naked. Suddenly I felt a pounding in my head, and the feeling of being in a boat coursed through my body. I felt sick, probably from drinking Last night.

Slowly I sat up, taking a look at the room I was in. This wasn't my bedroom, which meant whoever was laying next to me was probably the owner.

The person next to me, shifted once more, turning towards me keeping their eyes closed, possibly still asleep. I got a better look. It was a girl. She looked really beautiful, even while she slept. Her mouth slightly open just a bit, long lashes, and her skin seemed to sparkle when the sun rays kissed her shoulder. God, she looked like a freaking angel, and I had no idea who she was. Drunk me had excellent taste thats for sure. Thats when I was suck back into reality again.

"shit, shit, shit" I whisper shouted, wracking my brain for clues as to how I went from having girls night, trying to drink my sorrows away, to sharing a bed with a stranger. Maybe its not bad.  Maybe I told her my sob story about what happened earlier that night. How, I not only got cheated on, but kicked out of my own place, by my cheating boyfriend, and maybe, just maybe, she offered me a place to sleep so I didn't have to go back alone somewhere.

BUT IM NAKED! I mentally shouted.

Nice going Hailee. There is only one explanation as to why I'm naked and in another woman's bed. What happens in these types of situations. What happens when you mix feeling and alcohol. Thats right.

I HAD A ONE-NIGHT STAND, with a stranger no less. I had a one night stand just hours after finding out everything and getting my heart ripped out. And what made it even worse. I had no memory of us hooking up. The hangover wasn't helping, but I could feel the soreness all around my body. Whatever happen last night must of been one hell of a good time, and I can't even remember.

Okay Hailee, calm down. This beautiful girl is clearly still asleep which means... I have to get out and now. I don't have one-night stands. Im not that type of person. I like to know who I'm with and I like to have at least a few dates where I know the relationship will go somewhere before I jump into bed with someone. So this... No just... no.

What kind of person takes home a drunk girl anyways and sleeps with them. Clearly I was out of if I don't remember anything. Nope, time to go.

I slowly and carefully lift up the covers and tried to get out of bed trying to make sure not to wake her up. However when I went to move I felt her arm wrap around me keeping me from moving. I saw her eyes shut tighter and her hand began to slide up my stomach. Her finger tips where light and it tickled.

She opened her eyes, and both of us looked at one another. Before I had to say anything she jumped out of bed falling backwards onto the floor, then quickly stood up taking a few steps back.

"Who the hell are and what are you doing in my house" She yelled a bit scared. Thats when I noticed. This beautiful girl was even more stunning, but that wasn't the important part no, it was the fact that she was still fully clothed. She had grey sweat pants and wearing a black nike sports bra. She looked like she had just seen a ghost, pale.

"Me? who are you... and obviously you're the one who took me home last night" I shouted back looking at her. She had a confused looked.

"What?" She tilted her head like a confused puppy,  curse those damn eyes, she looked so adorable. This girl can go from sexy to adorable in a blink of an eye. Who the hell even is she.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now