Must Of Been The Wind

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I rested my back against the headboard of my bed, slouching down a bit as my laptop rested on my stomach. It was 12am and I hated how I wasn't close to finishing my homework. That's what I get for procrastinating and waiting until the last minute to do it. I sighed rubbing my easy gently as my hands lifted up my reading glasses.


I suddenly jumped when I heard a loud noise. I ran towards my kitchen hoping prying my puppy didn't break anything. I was a broke college student, so I'll be damned if I have to do some repair work. I looked all around my kitchen and living room and nothing. There was no sign of anything being broken. My puppy was sleeping on his bed, everything was normal.

Then I heard loud heavy footsteps and glass shattered coming from the apartment above mine. There was some shouting before the sound of a door slamming shut echoed through the walls. I sighed and was about to go to my room until I heard a voice of a girl. I listened closely and it sounded like she was crying. I felt the blood in my body run cold as I began to worry about the girl. That didn't sound like an ordinary lovers quarrel. I guess homework will have to wait. I mentally laughed before sighing.

I stepped out of my apartment, walking towards the elevator and pressed the button for the 6th floor. When I heard the little ding and the metal doors slid open I began to walk myself down the hall. I eyed the door numbers trying to make out the one that would be directly below mine.

613...614....615...616 yes that's the one. I thought as I stood in front of the door. I held my hand up and knocked on the door with the back of my pointer finger. I heard shuffling from inside and a few seconds later a girl opened it up just a bit. When she saw me she let out a sigh of what I can only assume to be relief and I saw her whole body loosen, getting rid of whatever tension she had in her body.

"Uh h-hey. I'm (Y/N). I live literally below you and uh. Well I heard some nosies. Banging, and shouting not to mention something that sounded like glass shattering like it's been thrown into a wall." I begin to tell her about why I was at her front door at such a late hour.

She zipped up her adidas jacket up to her chin, shaking her head just a bit. "I-I'm sorry" she stutter. Her voice hitched a bit as she let out a shaky breath. "But uh- there was no nose from this apartment. I think your ears are playing tricks on you" she continued not once making eye contact with me. She just looked at the ground. But then again I was only wearing soccer sweats and a sports bra, and my slip ons. I really didn't think this through.

"Are you sure" I asked a little worryingly. She seemed shaken and all I wanted to do was give her a hug.

"Y-yeah. Thanks for caring (Y/N) that's really nice of you. But uh... I uh-have to go back and finish my homework." She stuttered once more. "Again I'm really sorry. I wish I could tell you about the nosies that you heard but I've been here all day and I uh-I didn't hear a thing. It's pretty windy today. Do you thing it must of been the wind" she asked.

"Oh okay then... I'll let you get back...."

"Hailee..." she said her name with a weak smile. Once she stepped back she closed the door and I headed back to my apartment.

As I laid on my bed, my hands resting in back of my head I kept looking up at the ceiling. It was 1:30 am and I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I didn't want to intrude on the poor girl. Yes she was crying, seemed scared almost. I know I didn't have all the facts so it's not like I could make the nosies to be her boyfriend abusing her. Maybe she had a bad day. Maybe she was angry and threw something making it shatter. Maybe... I don't know. Just thinking about Hailee, how vulnerable she looked. I didn't want to leave her alone. I wanted to hug her and let her know everything was going to be okay. 

I decided to try and help her out. Whatever it was that was bugging her, made her feel scared. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted her to know that she had someone. So I turned on my stereo and played my favorite song when I'm depressed. Lean on me. Something to let her know that even if we were strangers, she could always lean on me. That when she hears the words and listens to the song she will know that no matter she will be okay.

It wasn't long maybe about half way through the song when I heard light knocking on my door. They were hesitant knocks, soft and gentle almost scared to tap the wooden door. I smiled in hopes that it was her. If it was my neighbor Lauren she would of killed me right now for playing loud music but nevertheless I walked towards the door and opened it.

"H-hey" she spoke softly almost not trusting her own voice.

"Hi" I smiled leaning on the door frame.

"The music coming from your place?" she pointed at me

"What music?" I asked.

"(Y/N) I uh heard music and I just.—"

"Hailee, I swear I'm not playing tricks on you. But you are welcome to come in whenever you like. If you need to talk, we can drink coffee or just sit and not do anything. You know if you ever need a friend."

"(Y/N)" she said in a shake breath, and that's when the tears started to free flow out her eyes and run down her cheeks. She suddenly launched into my arms hugging me tightly as she began to sob. Her tears where now running down my skin on my chest. I held her tightly, one hand on the back of her head the other around her lower back.

"We can talk about the noise if you want whenever you're ready, for right now. We can just say it must have been the wind." I spoke gently. She nodded her head slightly. I picked her up bridle style and gently kicked the door close bringing her to the couch.

We didn't say anything that night. She rested her head on my shoulders as I held her tightly not wanting to let go. She had her arm over my stomach letting out tiny sobs here and there.

"Thank you (Y/N)" she whispered.

"Anytime love" I whispered back slowly and softly rubbing circles on Hailee's back. Before we knew it we fell asleep on the couch. Her head rested on my chest and I still had a protective hold on her. I'll always protect her, and make sure she never cries again.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now