Pt 2: Babysitter

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Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up with a weight on me. Warm and soft, with an elegant cinnamon scent. I smiled, just thinking about this beautiful girl right beside me.

I can feel her fingers trailing up my arm before I even open my eyes. I forced back a tired smile and pretend I'm still sleeping. Her fingers trail over my shoulder and stop at my collarbone, just before they reach my neck. I have a small tattoo there that I got when I turned 18. It's a simple outline of a crown. I can feel her fingers circle around the tattoo, and then she leans forward and pressed her lips against it.

I adjust myself a little so I can see her. Her long lashes, soft rosy lips, and her pale skin shinning as the morning sun kissed her shoulder. Yup, she was beautiful. I kissed her forehead. Then I removed myself and began to get dressed.

"Good morning baby" I heard Hailee's morning voice. It was the most sexiest thing I'd ever heard. Raspy and yet soft. I turned around planting a kiss on her lips. She pulled back a bit when she had to yawn.

"Yeah, being beautiful must be tiring" I smiled giving her another kiss. Missing her lips.

"Then you must be exhausted" Hailee mumbled not bothering to break from the kiss. "Baby?"

"Yes my beautiful and wonderful girlfriend that I love, what is it that you seek. I only live to please" I laughed sitting on the bed. She tilted her head slightly.

"Do you love me?" She asked. She had a wide smile, and her eyes smiled back. There was no doubt or worry. No fear, or anything that made her think otherwise. Her eyes were kind and full of love and light. Bright and vivid.

"Of course I love you. More then anything. Why you asked?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I asked you that because of the lack of attention you give me" she whined. God she was so cute.

"That's because unlike you Ms. Superstar I still have this thing called school. You might of heard of it. It's all the rage these days" I laughed, getting on my feet and fixing my school uniform.

"Leave it to (y/n y/L) to make a school uniform look sexy"

"Gorgeous. Flawless. Amazing. Beautiful" I say watching as Hailee got up off the bed. Slowly she made her way towards me.

"I'm wearing a hoodie"

"10/10. Stunning. Elegant. Divine. Ravishing" I complement my girlfriend. Even if she was only in a hoodie, hair messy like a lions mane. She still looked perfect. When she stood in front me, I saw her give me a mischievous smile trying to unbutton my white dress shirt, pulling down on my blue tied to loosen it. When my collarbone was exposed she kissed it.

"Okay but like do you have to go to school every day. You're mine not theirs" Hailee said seductively.

"That's not a very babysitter thing to say" I said trying hard not to let the satisfaction of her kiss seduce me.

"Don't say that. You make it sound like I'm actually babysitting a child."

"I have a mind-set of a 5 year old. You're words. Get dressed I'll make breakfast before I leave" I give her one last kiss, parting my lips and want more. Her tongue slides against mine and she releases my shirt to grab my face. Her kiss grows deeper and I grasp at her waist, pulling her closer, feeling the kiss in my entire body. I break the kiss when oxygen is very much needed. She gave me a smirk, before I walked out, fixing my shirt and tie.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now