Meeting the Family

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Narrator's P.O.V

The whole week Hailee saw just how nervously frustrated you were. You would often zone out, get defensive and jumpy at any mention of your family. Something you clearly hated to talk about and Hailee who had yet to meet your family, even though the two of you had been dating for nearly a year didn't know why. But whatever had you acting like someone was out to get you, looking over your shoulder did have Hailee worried.

The only thing Hailee knew about your family was that you came from a really well known wealthy family. Actually that's how you two met. The two of you had attended a charity event, and the two decided to sneak out and go to a pizza parlor and enjoyed each other's company. Eventually going on a few more dates, before you finally decided to ask her to be your girlfriend which she happily agreed to.

After a while Hailee always asked about your family. Typical things such as: how they were, what's it like beginning the heir to the largest real a state company in the U.S, and when she could meet them. All her questions were always answered the same. Good, good, and if you're luck never, was what you'd always tell her. Mainly because only you knew the truth about your family.

Everyone thought the (Y/LN) family was the picture perfect family. Always donating to charity, doing fundraisers and hosting lavish dinners. So when Hailee got invited to attend one of your family dinners, you couldn't help but freeze as cold blood now ran through your body. Losing color in your skin, as sweat ran down the side of your face; fear was now your only emotion.

Hailee was a celebrity so for her to be dating you, everyone thought that the two of you were the power couple. And it was true. Walking red carpets together, and doing interviews here and there both support one another in their careers. To say the two of you were in love didn't come close to how you felt for your girlfriend and she for you. You loved her more then anything and anyone. You'd give her the world if she'd ask you too. That's why you didn't want her to see just how dysfunctional your family truly was.

"Hello Ms, Steinfeld It's so good to see you" the head butler Alfred said with a bright smile. "(Y/n) had spoke so much of about you. All good things I can assure you" the kind old man laughed guiding Hailee into the large estate. She looked around at the marble interior, almost feeling like she was in a museum afraid to touch anything.

"Thank you. Uh is (y/n) around" Hailee asked nervously.

"Yes she is getting ready in her childhood bedroom, please" Alfred gestured the young celebrity to follow him up the twin stairs. By the time they reach the end of the hall they stopped in front of two wooden doors. Alfred knocked gently.

"(Y/N) your girlfriend Ms. Hailee Steinfeld is here. Shall I let her in" Alfred said through the door.

"Please Al" you yell from the inside. Alfred opened one of the doors and extends his hand for Hailee to enter. When Hailee does he closes the door and you turn to see your girlfriend starring in awe.

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Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now