Dangerous Woman

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Hailee P.O.V

"7 Adam 100 We have shots fired on West and Titus. Police at a stand off. We have reason to believe Y/n Y/Ln leader of the mafia group is on location"

"This is Captain Steinfeld, place me on the call. If anyone is taking Y/n Y/Ln down it's going to be me." I tell the dispatch and quickly turn on my light and sirens on from my cruiser. Swerving in and out of traffic, slamming my foot on the gas until I'm going 120 mph. I feel my heart begin to race, and my adrenaline is at an all time high.

Normally as captain of the LAPD I don't see a lot of action. I stay back and do paper work, but the one time I decided to go out for a cruise this happen. I have a mafia Queenpin starting turf wars and wounding my officers. She's good at what she does, untouchable, and no one was able to catch her. I swear when I get my hands on her.

When I pulled into the location where the shoot out was taking place, my car began to get shot at. One, two, three bullets to the windshield and I instantly duck to my right. I see a large bulky guy, bold aiming his machine gun at me and starts going ham. I escape through the passenger side as my tires pop, and the hood of my car slight explodes.

FUCKING Y/N, I am going to murder her.

I grab my gun, and carefully make my way to a few fellow officers who are covering behind two cruisers.

"Do you have the AK with you In your trunk?" I ask one of the officers. He nods his head, opening the trunk of his car and hands me my favorite weapon.

"Y/n Y/Ln is inside that building." Sargent Gomez told me pointing to the large Citibank.

Yup definitely going to murder y/n.

"She's robbing a bank. Isn't that out of her element" Officer Styles says. "I thought she specialized in drugs and weapons trafficking"

"She does. But when she's bored she likes to go on random heist. Apparently robbing a bank is her entertainment for the night" I tell them fixing the scope and magazine on my gun. I peak my head out just a bit and I can see the bullets begin to ricochet off the cars, the ground, anywhere and everywhere. "Where are they shooting from?" I asked ducking for cover.

"From the first level of the building. Also there are people on the sides of the building. We have them surrounded so its just a matter on who runs out of bullets first" Officer Styles says. I only laugh.

"Harry, this is Y/n Y/Ln we are going up against. How many times have we faced her and her mafia troops" I asked raising a brow

"A lot, ma'am" He says

"And out of those times, how many times did she run out of bullets?"

"None, ma'am" He says looking down onto the ground.

"y/n is to smart for us. Why do you think she never been caught. She always has a plan." I say getting out of cover. "Any hostages?"

"None, the building is completely empty minus the Y/Ln mafia. They basically took over the entire building" Selena says. God I was starting to get irritated.

"Captain Hailee please excuse my bluntness but how did you piss of Y/n" Selena said with concern.

"Me? What makes you think I pissed her off" I says.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now