The Hunger Games Pt:2

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Y/n's P.O.V

Cold. Cold and shaky was the only thing my body knew how to feel. A large amount of food is brought over to me, in the catacombs underneath the arena itself. Despite the tension in my stomach, I eat as much as possible, although non of the delectable food makes any impression on me.

When I'm done I began to get dressed in the wardrobe for the type of arena we will be fighting to the death. It's the same for every tribute. I can tell from the material that the jacket is designed to reflect body heat. So wherever we are, I have no doubt it would be cold.

I wonder how Hailee is doing? I was about to enter an arena with 23 others who will do anything to survive, even kill and I'm thinking about her? That's all my mind wondered too ever since I met her. Will she survive? Or will she kill me? Will I kill her? These were the questions that kept me up at night. I hated myself for befriending her. Hated myself even more for falling into her love spell.

I could still feel her lips on mine from the kiss we shared the other day. Normally I don't just kiss random strangers, but hey if I was going to die, I'm glad I at least got to kiss a beautiful girl like Hailee. I think I can die happy.

My mind instantly went into panic when the cylinder glass is lowering around me. The cylinder begins to rise. For maybe fifteen seconds I'm in darkness and then I can feel the metal plate pushing me out of the cylinder, into the open air.

For a moment my eyes are dazzled by the bright sunlight. Then I look around. A forest. The arena is a forest. And right in the middle. The cornucopia.

My heart freezes when I hear the infamous voice.

"Lady's and gentlemen, let the 74th hunger games... begin"

I look to my left and then my right. I don't see Hailee. But I hear her words clear as day. "Don't go into the cornucopia. Run. Run away"

But it's tempting, so tempting, seeing backpacks and weapons. Things one needs to survive. I need to survive. And those daggers right in front are mine.




The gun goes off and my feet moves on their own. Running straight into the cornucopia. Many kids are already battling it out but I pay no attention. Not until I'm tackled to the ground.

A boy was sitting on top of me ready to throw a punch but I block and began to try and attack him. Both of us wrestled on the ground until I finally got him off of me. I kicked him back and got up, continuing to run. That's when my hands touched them. The knives. I didn't stop to think. I quickly turned around and threw one hitting the same boy straight in his chest. His sword fell from his hand that was ready to strike.

I killed him. I killed someone.

I gritted my teeth taking the daggers and the bow and arrows with me, escaping the slaughter house. I really had to thank Hailee for those hand to hand combat lessons.

Here's the problem though. I had weapons. But no backpack. Which meant, im lucky if I survive the cold nights. I can't build a fire, unless I want people to see my location. You might as well be waving a flag and shouting "COME AND GET ME!". But I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I have to find Hailee. I didn't almost die and kill getting this bow for her for nothing. Why am I doing this for her?

My instinct has been to fight not flee. That was just the type of person I was. Even at school I'd get into fights, going hunting instead of starving, doing what I needed to survive in district 12. But I've never been hunted.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now