Miles Away

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Hailee's P.O.V

"This is the last call for New York. Will all passengers please go to gate 12. This is the last call, Flight 208 is now boarding"

The voice on the intercom came loud and clear. I turn around looking at my girlfriend who was trying hard not to break down.

"Guess That's my cue" I said sadly. (Y/N) didn't say anything, she just nodded her head. This was the only thing I hated about my job. Being a celebrity was fun and had It's perks. Getting to travel and see the world while meeting amazing fans. I thought I would never see the down side to this.

But now, I hate it. I hated leaving my girlfriend. Yeah I could always ask her to come with me on tour or when I film. But she has her own career. Her dream career no less. I can't ask her to leave that behind just to be with me. I just... I don't like leaving her for months on end. I don't like not being able to hold her every day, or cuddle with her every night.

"Yeah... I'm going to miss you" (y/n) let out. Her gaze never leaving the floor. I knew once she met my eyes the tears will flow down. I didn't want to see her crying. Even if I desperately wanted to see her eyes one last time before I left for what seems like the millions time.

"I'm sorry (y/n). They said this will get easier, but that was lie. It's actually gets harder" I told her. (Y/N) has been nothing but supportive and patient with me and my career. When we first started dating I told her about traveling a lot and (y/n) always reassured me that she would be okay, that we would be okay. At first it was fine. Sure we were sad to see each other go but now 2 years together... it's like every time I leave it feel like it's the last time I'll ever see her.

"Really baby, I will be just fine" (y/n) looked at me with a soft smile before looking away. She didn't want me to see her cry but I saw it. A tear escape the corner of her eye. I grab her by her jacket and pull her towards me hugging her tightly.

It was then when I started to ask myself if this was really worth it. Leaving (y/n). How am I supposed to preform, and be happy when the truth was that I felt so alone. I was alone and lost when I left. Sure I was surrounded by many people, even friends on occasions but... it wasn't the same when my heart was at home. A million miles away. I know (y/n) needs me, and I know that my fans need me too.

"Hailee" (y/n) pulled back from my embrace, my arms still around her waist holding her. "Go, I will be right here when you come back. I'm not going anywhere. Do what you do best" she smiled.

"You know (y/n). I've met a lot of people and I have seen a lot of the world. Truth be told I loved every moment of it. But when you're not by my side... everything just doesn't feel the same. It doesn't feel like I'm living my dream. It's not easy moving city to city. Not without you. I love you, and it makes it so much harder to leave you" I tell her. A small sob escaping my lips. I felt the warm tears leaving my eyes as (y/n) wiped them away. She kept that soft smile on, even if it was fake. Even if she herself wanted to burst out crying. She kept strong. For me.

"I love you to Hailee, so much. But it's only for 6 months."


"Baby... if you miss me any time you know I'm just a phone call away. So right now I need you to be strong, for me and go. The show must go on" She hugged my tightly and it was then I felt her body tremble. I pulled away, my hands finding their way to her face as I pull her into a kiss. I don't know how long we kissed for. But I didn't want it to stop. I wanted to savor her lips, the way they taste. The way the feel. Everything. But (y/n) pulled away. "Go superstar. You're fans are wait. And so will I" she pecked my lips one more time.

"Baby it won't be long. I promise. No matter what I'll always be thinking about you. Just remember that you have my heart. And I'll always make my way back to you" I planted one last kiss on her lips. One on her nose and one of her forehead. Resting mine against hers for a quick moment.

I nodded my head and grabbed my bags and began to walk to the terminal. I stopped looking back and saw (y/n) waving. Smiling her bright smile. I sniffled away a few sobs and wiped my eyes before boarding the plane.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now