Troubling Nights

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Hailee's P.O.V

"Wow its a storm out there? How long did the forecast say it was going to rain for?" Y/n asked as she looked out the living room window. She seemed in awe by the lightning shining in the sky, as the heavy rain slammed down on anything and everything. The rain wasn't the issue. No what really made the hairs on the back of my neck stand were those claps of thunder roaring throughout the night sky. 

Every time a snap in the sky echoed I jumped, keeping my hands on my ears. God I hated thunderstorms. How y/n loved them is a mystery all on its own. It was like she was a little kid watching the snow fall during Christmas, which is something she also did, which was the most adorable thing I have ever witness. When she would run out of her room and into mine pulling out of bed so we can watch the weather together. Rain or snow, it didn't matter to y/n, storms just had an effect of her.

"Just listen to those roars. Have you ever heard something more beautiful." Y/n let out a soft laugh taking it all in. She took a deep breath smelling the rain scent that lingered. 

"Y-y/n can you please close the widow. Its uh getting cold" I tell her trying not to let her see how freaked out I was. I was trying to keep my fear of storms a secret. I didn't want her to think of me as a coward scared of a little thunder. So every time she turned around towards me, I smiled and try to relax my body until she turned away. Then I allowed my body to shake. How I so desperately wished I had the courage to ask her to hold me. 

Y/n was my roommate and I sorta kinda had a crush on her. It was more then a crush, I really like her, and being next to her always made me happy. But when the thunder clapped once more I jumped. Y/n didn't seem me, but she did closed the window. When she did, a small gust of wind entered and blew y/ns hair just a bit, making her seem like a model doing a photoshoot with fans. 

"We should probably go to bed. Its getting late and I'm tired." She said, getting up off from the windowsill and walked over towards me, placing a kiss on the top of my head. 

It wasn't much, but the small action just made everything better. There was a warmness around me, giving me the courage to get off the couch and walk to my room which was just opposite from y/n. 

"Goodnight Haiz," y/n said as a small yawn escaped her lips. She lifted her arms up to stretch and her hoodie rose up just a bit. Her abs peaked out slightly before they were covered once more. Ive seen y/ns abs. In fact I see them almost every day since she loves to walk around our shared apartment in a sports bra and basketball shorts or sweats. Sometimes I feel as though she is taunting me. 

"Goodnight y/n" I tell her giving her a small wave. I groaned. How was it that y/n could waltz right up to me and plant a kiss on my forehead like she does every night, but all I mange to do is wave. Im so lame. 

Y/n chuckled a bit, before showing me her bright smile, and walking towards her room. 

When I saw y/n close her door I sprinted to mine, closing the door and hiding under the covers. Just hearing the torturing sounds of the thunderstorm being casted over New York City. 

I felt my body ache from all the shaking I was doing. I peaked my head out from under the covers see the lightning light up my room every few seconds. Then BAM thunder. 3 hours. I've been wide awake now for 3 arms and it was only 3 in the morning. The rain had yet to die down, in fact I think it was getting much worse. How was I supposed to fall asleep? How was I supposed to function if this continues all week like the forecast said? 

After 30 more minutes of tossing and turning, and going on my phone I had enough. I couldn't sleep even though I was so tired, and my body was starting to hurt. I took a deep breath and swallowed everything I had and took the cover off of me. 

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now