Hunger Games Pt4

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Y/n P.O.V

I walked from night until morning. I stopped to rest as much as I could, trying to make sure I didn't waste my energy. I needed every bit of it if I were to take on Niall. And then what?

Say I win. Say I beat him, a career and escape within an inch of my life. Then what? What's left of me... of Hailee. At the end we will be apart.

It wasn't suppose to be this way.

It wasn't suppose to be me vs her. Me vs the person that I fell in love with. Spending every moment together, training and protecting one another and for what? Then it will be just one winner. Only one person goes home. One person lives a life of luxury, and free from ever being reaped from the games ever again. Safe and sound. That's suppose to be the life after the games, right?

Hailee Steinfeld, district 2.

The only girl who made me want to protect them by dying, willingly.

The nightlock berries in my hand will make sure of it.

Nightlock is a wild plant with extremely poisonous berries. I heard about these from my father, who told me that anyone who ate them would die before the berries even reached their stomach. Maybe these will give me a peaceful end.

I let out a sigh, looking up into the dome sky. How something artificial can still look beautiful. My daggers are hanging from my waist. Whatever Niall has as a weapon I know I have the advantage. Block with one, strike with the other. Then I hear it.




The ground shakes and I begin to lose balance, trees fall one by one. The game makers are getting bored and the audience wants blood.

I run straight ahead, trying to push the branches and bushes away. The ground rattled causing cracks and a few pieces sink, and I barley miss tripping or falling. My foot gets caught on one of the cracks, causing me to flip out of the forest. Right in front of me... the cornucopia.

I try to stand, but I got the wind knocked out of me. I struggle for a moment curling into a ball, as I held my stomach. When I was finally able to breathe, I began to take my time getting up. I really think I broke a few ribs.

I slowly start to get up, making sure I have everything still on me. My daggers, backpack, and of course my final meal, and I use that term loosely. I walk over to a near by stream just beside the edge of the forest a distance away. Im thirsty, and so far I see no sign of Niall. 

I let out a sigh, squatting down, cupping my hands in order to get some water. I drink a couple of hands full before my eyes solely focus on my refection. My hair is in a messy pony tail, twigs dirt and other things sticking out of it. My face covered in sweat, dirt and dry blood. I made sure to wash my face, needing to feel clean. But the longer I looked at myself...

To the outside person I look composed, even though I have killed. I have seen someone kill and others die right in front of me. They probably think I am use to it. I've been here 18 days trying to survive. 


Use to it?

I scoffed. 

Its true I've seen many lives fall before me. However, the most precious person to me is still out there, and I don't want her to die. This pain... No one can get used to this! But right now these emotions would effect my fight, thats why I act like I'm fine! 

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now