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(Y/N) P.O.V

There was nothing I loved better then cleaning up my restaurant after an eventful day. It was the only time where I can finally breath and just relax. I loved owning my own restaurant, and even though it was a huge success I loved spending my time in the kitchen preparing foods that make people happy. Comfort them. Satisfy their hunger.

What brought me out of my train of thought was when I heard the door bell ring indicating that someone entered the building. I wasn't paying attention since I was to exhaust to raise my head from one of the tables I was sitting in. I figured if it was a burglar, I lived a good life... I'll just chill. 

"Sorry we're closed" was all I was able to mumble. Eyes still closed feeling drained all over again.

"Wow, if anyone saw you they'd think you're some drunk passed out on the table" I heard a familiar voice say sweetly, yet sarcastically as they gave a soft laugh. I quickly lifted up my head and turned to find the owner of my favorite voice. "Hi" she smiled, leaning against the wall.

"Superstar" I looked at her, still feeling the exhaustion but also really happy to see the love of my life. "What are you doing here. You're not suppose to be back for another week" I got up from my chair before almost being tackled to the floor. Luckily for me I was strong enough to hold my ground keeping a tight hold on Hailee. Her arms wrapped around my neck while her face hid in the crook, and her legs around my waist.

"I know but...I missed you so much, (Y/N). I just, I don't know I just really wanted to see you. Hold you more than anything" Hailee let out almost in a whimper. I felt her body tremble a bit making me tighten my hold. "God, I missed you"

"I missed you too, Haiz" I said pulling back a bit to get a better look at her. She looked beautiful as always. She cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss that's been long over due. 4 months to be exact. That's how long it's been since I last held her in my arms, and kissed her soft lips. 4 months since I was ever this happy, and high on life. "Come on. I'll take you back to the house" I pulled away once more. She looked at me, nodding as I put her down.

When we were about to walk out the door, the sounds of rain slamming down could be heard. It was pouring hard and given that it was night it would be dangerous to drive. A big clap of thunder roared through the sky's, Hailee almost jumping into my arms like Scooby doo. I forgot Hailee was terrified of thunderstorms. We lived in LA so we usually don't get many of those.

Another huge clap made her jump getting closer to me almost trying to get into my body. Her body was shaking once more. Her breath was rapid and her eyes shut tight. "Let's go" I said pulling her back into the restaurant.

"Where are we going" she said in a panic. I didn't answer instead I just took her arm guiding her towards the kitchen. She opened her eyes and looked around in awe.

"Wait for me" I gave Hailee a soft kiss to her lips before walking away only to return in short minutes later with a tray of ingredients. "Do you like tiramisu?" I asked taking Hailee's hand into mine.

"Of course, you make it for me every time I leave for tour, or when I Film"

"Do you know why?"

"Because It's your favorite" she said shyly. I only half laughed at how cute she was. Apparently she took that as a sign that she gave the wrong answer and tried again. "Because—" she stopped and thought.

"During world war 2, an Italian soldier was preparing to go to the battlefield... but he had no food at home. So his wife mixed everything edible at home, like eggs, cheese, cookies, coffee powder and rum, all together and made a dessert. When that soldier was hungry on the battle field, he could eat it." I began to tell her the story that I've been told many times by my family who loved to make this dessert. It was a small story that brought meaning to the cake. It was a tradition in my family to make it to the ones we love when they would have to leave. So getting to share this with the love of my life. I loved it even more. "This dessert is not just a dessert for the solider. It represents the wife's yearnings. For the soldier, it also told him, even though he was far away, that there was still someone waiting for him to come home. So tiramisu has the meaning of 'pick me up' which means 'take me away' or 'stay with me'."

"Wow I didn't know some dessert had such huge meaning" Hailee smiled looking on at me while I finished the dessert. "Is that why you always make it for me. If so, that little gesture just got a thousand times cuter and will forever be my favorite thing to eat" Hailee laughed, wrapping her arms behind my waist as her head rested on my shoulder. I felt her take a deep breath, slowly exhaling. She followed me everywhere I went in the kitchen still keeping me close, not once letting me go. When it was done, I cut her a piece and sat by her side as I always did when she would eat it.

"You always tell me, that wherever you are you feel as though you have nowhere to go back to. But I think maybe... perhaps... there's still someone waiting for you. Wherever your heart is, that's your home. There is were you could go back to" I smiled at her.

"I think... wherever you are is my home" Hailee leaned in giving me a kiss before taking a bite of the tasty treat. She was so lost in the cake that even though the sounds of thunder loudly exploded in the sky, Hailee was undeterred.

"Welcome home my love" I said above a whisper brushing a few loose strands away from Hailee's beautiful face.

"It's good to be home, with you" Hailee smiled as she leaned down placing a kiss on my lips. Her lips tasted so good making me smiled, craving more. I pulled her closer to me, picking her up and sitting her down on top of the counter as I adjusted myself between her legs never once breaking the kiss.

I don't know how long we stayed making out. All I know was when it was time to leave, there was no more way. Only the wet pavement as evidenced of what transpired. God I love this girl.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now