Hunger Games Pt 3

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I used one of my daggers, to poke around the burning wood from the small fire I made. I was able to hunt with Hailee to get us some food.

I taught Hailee to hunt back at the training center, and with her amazing archery skills she was able to kill 2 birds. She tried to kill a rabbit once but she couldn't do it. She had a weak spot for cute adorable things. I on the other hand used one of my daggers, too go fishing. You know I had a real knack for stabbing things.

Now here we were, sitting closer to each other eating our dinner. It was funny to see the look on Hailee's face when she was trying to eat our game. She wasn't use to anything that wasn't luxury foods. But she didn't complain. She knew this was our only source of food. Then before I have time to finish my bird, Hailee jumps into my lap in a panic.

Cannons like sounds began to fill the area, causing the night creatures to stop their chirps. Each shot represents a dead tribute. The fighting must have finally stopped for the day.

On the opening day, they don't even fire the cannons until the initial fighting's over because it's too hard to keep track of the fatalities. But we have been in the game now for 17 days. On day one, eleven tributes died. After that they started dropping likes flies. One by one until only a few of us were left. Hailee, me, Niall, a tribute from district 1 and another from district 4. What would happen when it's only Hailee and I left. What will we do?

"Hey are you okay?" Hailee softly spoke, gently grabbing my chin and turning my head towards her. "You look sick. Is it the food, did I kill the wrong bird... or picked the wrong plants?" She said worryingly.

If I had to guess what her thoughts were as she looked at me, I would say she would be thinking, 'What is she thinking? What has her so shaken up?' And I couldn't blame her. I shook my head, looking back at the fire right in front of us. Hailee had yet to move from my lap. I didn't want her to. Just having her close to me gave me comfort I long for.

"I'm sad" I said softly unsure if Hailee heard me. "I-I... killed someone. I kept telling myself I did what I had to do to survive. But then I saw you fighting. You didn't hesitate. You killed like you were use to it... You don't care about people, do you?" I said trying to make my eyes reach hers. Hailee narrowed her eyes, taken back by what I said.

I knew I shouldn't have said it, but thats all I've been thinking about since the first day.

"Where is this coming from?" she said, crossing her arms. "How can you say I don't care about anyone. Im here trying to protect you. Doesn't that count" She says harshly venom dripping from her words.

"But you don't think they mattered... this, all that matter is winning this stupid game and fuck the consequences. This fucking television show is to see if they can turn us into monsters. Killers. Strip us of our innocence." I tell her trying to keep my voice calm, but I can feel all the pent up anger and raw emotions I've been holding since I left my district; since I entered the arena 17 days ago.

"What is your problem y/n. What the fuck did I do to you. You're acting like I just killed your family!" She shouted. Her eyes widen and quickly covered her mouth. Her words alone shot me. I felt my eyes darken, and felt my blood run cold. I remove Hailee off of me and stand up, taking my daggers and begin to walk away.

I had no thoughts, no sense of direction, nothing. It was like my body was moving on its own. I feel Hailee grabbing my arm causing me to stop.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now