Devil In L.A

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The bar I was currently at was fairly empty. You would assume a bar at 10pm would be packed to the teeth on a Friday night but nope. This place was a ghost town. Not that I mind. Not having drunk dudes hit on me, while I'm just trying to drink my bad day away was something i desperately needed. Some alone time.

"You look like you could use a friend" I head a raspy voice from in front of me. I slowly raised my head to see a beautiful girl sitting right in front of me. Her eyes were dark that screamed danger, and a devilish grin. She wore a red lace dress and dark red lipstick. "Can I get you another drink" she said cynically. I was about to say no but the bartender placed two glasses with auburn liquid on the table.

"(Y/N) (Y/LN)" she said, as a smile tugged on her lips.

"Hailee" I said taking a deep breath.

"Yes, my love" she leaned back on the leather booth seat. She placed her left arm on the head of the seat and looked out the window. That smile never leaving her lips. "What? is the L.A life to much for you. Hollywood finally getting to your head" she said in a mocking tone.

"What would know" I raised a brow. I grabbed the glass cup and brought the rim to my lips. Before I had a chance to take a taste of the alcohol, Hailee gently placed her hand on mine and pushed it back down. Her hands where ice cold, sending shivers down my spine.

"(Y/N) you're not special. You won't find your happiness on Sunset boulevard, or at a party in the hills, and certainly not at the bottom of an alcohol bottle or high of drugs." She smirked taking my glass from my hand taking a sip herself. "Kinda regret selling your soul to me aren't you"

"I was only 16" I sighed shaking my head.

"Yes, and since then you have sold out stadiums, made platinum record hits, and a bank account that will take generations to empty" she laughed as if she was having the most entertaining conversation in the world. I shook my hand once more before I decided I had enough. I stood up and was about to leave when Hailee grabbed my hand. She gestured for me to sit and did as I was told. She took her glass cup and took a sip of her drink before looking at me. Her hazel eyes staring right into my soul.

"I think that you should stay." She leaned closer.

"And why would I do that?" I asked crossed my arms.

"I think you and I could be great friends" she leaned closer towards me, her face was now beside me. I could feel her warm breath on my neck. "Or something much more. So what do you say (Y/N) you wanna hang with the devil" she whispered in my ear before she licked it. She placed her hand on my neck, and pressed her lips on my cheek, kissing it as she made a beeline for my neck. I felt her smirk a bit when I let out a soft moan as she sucked on my pulse point.

It was in the moment that I realized just how alone I truly was in the city where dreams where suppose to come true. Yet the only form of comfort I've felt was when I was with Hailee. How much fun I would have when I was with her and how close she always kept me. She became my safe place, my home.

She was the only one that made sure I was taken care of. When I would get wasted during a party Hailee would always take me home, made sure I was eating after a long day of interviews or recording songs or whatever. That I had at least a few good hours of sleep when I felt tired. She was the only reason I'd survived this long. She was my savior.

"I'll go anywhere with you" I said pulling her closer as I crashed my lips on her. She was leaning over the table, making herself around it so she was right in front of me. She snaked her arms around my neck as I held her waist never once breaking the kiss. It was rough, but there was tenderness and passion.

"Good answer (Y/LN)" she said as she pulled away from the kiss. She rested her forehead on mine, as she cupped my face in her hands. Her thumbs caressing my cheeks gently. "Let's go home now" she whispered. I simply nodded my head. She took a hold of my hand interlacing them together, pulling me out of the bar and into the cold L.A night.

Hailee Steinfeld ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now