Fallen Comrades but One Still Lives..

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"Judging from the intermittent sound structure, it's just deep space interference. Most likely a radiation pulse from a nearby star" Matt mumbled as he leaned back into the green pilot chair while Shiro just stood behind it, resting his only arm over the headrest. 

"No, that's just what it's supposed to sound like. Listen to the sounds in-between the pulses. There's a unique pattern" Krolia explained, understanding the green paladin frustration of not understanding the code.

Everyone keeping silent and closing their eyes as they focused on the sound being projected in all lions. Their breathing calm and slow as they just listened to the beeping. 

"Wow, she's right" Hunk breathed out in surprise, the beeping sounding oddly lose mores code, something they've only heard about from the old movies sometimes shown in history class.

"Why do you sound surprised over that?" Krolia replied a little worried over how the yellow paladin sees her. 

"Hehe, sorry" Hunk nervously mumbled back, scratching the back of his head. 

"Before the blades were unified, they would use that crude way of communication with each other. Not many blades know this code. It must be a senior member" Pidge decided to explain the type of code being used in the signal before any arguments broke out between Krolia and Hunk. 

"Kolivan?" Keith asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Of course that bastard would still be alive, I bet he survived just to make sure I keep to my side of the deal or so he can finally kill me with his own hands" Pidge grumbled as she crossed her arms, sulking a little. 

"You weren't very liked by him"  Keith agreed, giving a bit of a nod.

"Don't I know it" Pidge sighed in defeat.

"He ranted about his dislike over the Princess to you as well, I swear he'll rant over her to anyone who's around to listen" Krolia mumbled as she looked to her son who raised an eyebrow before shaking his head. 

"Nah, he kinda got some blades to kidnap Pidge and they had this odd air around them but something happened and a deal was formed between them. No one got to learn about it since everyone else was kicked out of the room. But Kolivan displeasure over Pidge was clear enough to see that even a blind man could see it" Keith explained over how he found out about Kolivan dislike towards Pidge. Krolia and the rest all just blinking for a moment before shaking away the shock. 

"Is he going to try and kill you?" Matt asked with concern and a bit frightened over Kolivan wanting to maybe kill his adopted sister.

"Possibly" Pidge answered with a shrug.

"Who doesn't want to kill you? I think that might turn into a shorter list for us" Lance muttered back with a worried frown as he glanced to Pidge who nodded in agreement.

"I mean .. how many of you paladins don't want me dead and we can count from there" Pidge joked back. 

"Moving on, Krolia do you know what the message says?" Shiro asked as he looked to the older galran through the opened links.

"It's a distress signal. Whoever is sending it its in trouble" Krolia answered, panic filling her eyes. 

"It seems to be coming from this sector" Matt commented as he scanned on the signal location.

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