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Thanks to @Doughnutboi for the request! I hope it turned out okay. :) 

Nene collapsed in a library chair. "A test? For real!?" She sighed.

Amane sat next to her. "In the first week of school, even." Nene frowned.

"You don't seem very concerned," She commented. Amane shrugged.

"I mean, I bet I'll do fine." Nene laughed.

"Seriously? You barely pay attention in class. I'd bet you get a zero!"

Amane raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Hmm. If you believe in your theory, then let's bet. If you get a higher score than me, then I'll owe you a favor."

"Yes! Deal!" Nene shook his outstretched hand before pausing. "Wait, what if you win?"

"If I win?" Amane grinned. "If I get a higher test score, then I get to kiss you! On the lips," he added, before standing up and exiting the library.

Nene was frozen.

Then her brain kicked into action. The teacher had said that the test would be on . . . the planets. Definitely! So Nene grabbed the nearest book on them and began reading.

She was not losing the bet.


Nene had stayed up for hours reviewing the planets. The temperatures, revolution cycle, fun facts, everything she could possibly need.

When Nene entered the classroom, the first thing she saw was Amane sitting on her desk. She blushed, remembering the previous day's events.

"You ready?" Amane asked, grinning. Nene nodded.

"I spent last night studying!" she smiled back nervously. "I bet I know every known fact on the planets!" Amane raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm, good luck!" he walked to his desk. Nene grinned. She had never been more ready for a test.

"Okay, class, please prepare for your quiz. No pens, please. And Yamabuki-san, no highlighters like last time." The teacher sighed. "We don't need any more shenanigans." Lemon frowned, but still pulled out a pencil.

The teacher passed out the quiz. Nene read the first question.

True or False: The sun is a 'green star'.

Nene's eyes widened. She had heard the teacher wrong-- the quiz wasn't on planets, it was about astrology! She hadn't studied for this!

"You already giving up?" Amane whispered from behind her. Nene sat up straight.

"No!" She hissed back. Turning back to her quiz, Nene filled it in quickly. Even though she hadn't studied, Nene felt relatively confident in her answers.

During the quiz, Amane had stood up to talk to the teacher. They'd had a hushed conversation at the front of the class. It ended with the teacher laughing quietly and nodding before sending Amane back to his seat.

"Alright, turn in your quizzes!" Nene shuffled to the front of the class and placed her quiz in the designated box. Nene quickly returned to her seat. Amane already had his nose buried in a book.

"I'm going to win!" Nene announced. Amane grinned.

"I wish you the best of luck, then" was all he commented.

Before Nene knew it, the quizzes were being handed out.

Nene stared at her score. A perfect 100. She grinned. Even if she had studied the wrong thing, Nene was still incredibly smart.

I'm going to win!

"Amane-kun, what did you get on the test?" Nene asked. Amane looked down at the quiz. Then he folded the paper.

"Why would I turn down a perfect opportunity to hold something about you?" he asked, laughing. Nene starred.

"Fine! You just know that you already lost. Hmpf." She returned to her seat.

The rest of the day passed quickly. Before she knew it, Nene was collecting her thing to go home.

She found a note tucked into her bag.

If you want to know my test score, then meet me on the roof.

It wasn't signed, but Nene still knew who it was from.

She gathered her things and hurried to the roof.


"Amane-kun?" Amane was leaning against the railing. Nene hurried up to him. "What did you get on the test?"

"What'd you get?" He asked. Nene displayed her test.

"You know what that means-- I win!" She grinned. Amane laughed.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Nene nodded.

"Either you lose, or we tie. If we tie, then the bet is void." Amane nodded. Then he pulled out the folded paper that was his test.

"Here." He handed it to Nene. She slowly unfolded the paper, taking time in her victory.

Then she saw his score.


Her eyes widened. "How . . ."

"There was a mistake in question 3, and I pointed it out," Amane explained, grinning.

"No . . ."

"You know what that means." Nene dropped the test as Amane grabbed her hand. His other hand lifted her chin and lined her face up with his own. He smiled. "I promise this won't suck."

He leaned in and collected his prize. Nene's eyes widened as Amane's closed.

When he finally pulled away, Nene was a blushing mess.

"See? It wasn't that bad." He leaned in for another quick peck before completely releasing her.

"W-what--" Amane walked to the stairs and descended them. Nene was left behind him, still blushing. 


Tada! It's longer than I intended it to be, but I fit everything in, so it worked out. @Doughnutboi, I hope this looked like how you hoped!

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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