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"No, no, no you total wiped out and you can't even deny it." I laugh at Savannah as she tries to tell me how good she did on her last wave even though it was a complete fail. "Not all of us can be Miss 'I'm great at everything I do' Tate. And you just got lucky today, one of these day you are going to wipe out and I'm just gonna laugh at your cute ass"

I smile and shake my head as we continue talking and watching the sunset over the ocean water. It has been so long since we have been able to just sit and talk, whenever we do get out to surf it's normally just that and not a ton of time to talk. We both are too focused in the water to actually hold a conversation, let alone catch up on the newest thing in each of our lives.

"Also I have been seeing this guy" She shyly smiles looking down, a slight pink tint laying on her cheeks. My smiles grows even more as I press her for details. A she smile remains on her lips as she tells me about her new boyfriend and how much she likes him.

"He just invited me to meet him at the beach tomorrow night with his super hot friend, and I already said I would bring you. So wear your sexiest bikini, his friend is next level attractive." She babbles on, my brows furrow at her statement.

Is she really trying to set me up with her boyfriend's friend? I love Savannah but she isn't exactly one to stay with one guy for long, and that's just not my thing. Right now I am focusing on my career as an aerospace engineer. After landing my dream job, everything else became irrelevant and put on the back burner, including my love life and worst of all surfing. But I'm starting to get back into it now that things have finally calmed down at work.

But Savannah is always on a mission to get me to see someone, she doesn't seem to get I'm happy where I am.

My life is finally peaceful, he can't get to me anymore and no one can tell me how to live my life. Last thing I need right now is some random douchebag to come in and destroy everything I have worked so hard to create.

"I don't know Sav-"

"No, shut the fuck up. You are going and if you don't like the guy's vibe. Fine, but please don't lock yourself in your office on a Saturday night. You're 23, start living while you have the chance." She cuts me off, I roll my eyes and look out over the water. I hate to say it but she has a point, I have been coping myself up in my office going over plans for possible new tech to be sent into space and orbit.

"Fine, you have a point" I admit, she squeals and hugs me before going on again about her new job.

Another passes before we say our goodbyes, making my way back down the boardwalk. As usual there are some sketchy people in the alley, but if you leave them alone and don't look at them you're good. Two men stand out in the open by the sand looking to have a heated discussion, why are they not in an alleyway like those type of men normally are?

A strange feeling settles in the pit of my stomach as I walk past them and closer to my car. My pace picks up as I feel someone behind me, tonight is not the night I die. I tightly grip the pepper spray on my keys and try to calm my breathing as I readjust the board in my other hand.

Someone from behind me grabs my arm and turns us around, I come face to face with a tall man holding a gun pointed directly at my head. Every fiber of my being is telling me to run, but my body refused to listen as I look up at the grey eyed man. My hand grips the surfboard in my hand tighter, trying to remain calm.

"Let the girl go, Jonah" He growls still holding the gun right at me and instead of the man holding me in front himself. The man behind me lets out a deep eerie chuckle and tightens his grip on my arms making it become painful.

"No, if I die she does too"

"And why is that?"

"Wrong place, wrong time for this little girl. Everyone has a price to pay for something, right?" My eyes stay stuck on the man before me, waiting for him to make a move. Why won't he just shot him? But then I feel it, a cold piece of metal pressed into my side. Tears well up in my eyes and memories pour out in my head.

No, no, no this isn't happening. This is just a dream, Tate. You are going to wake up any second in your apartment.

His eyes connect with mine and I see the battle inside of him. Like he wants to not shoot me, but it looks like either way I'm going to me shot. My lip begins to quiver as our eyes stay connected, his gaze softens for a split second before focusing on something above my head. But my eyes stay locked on him, pleading silently to get me out of this.

Shuffling happens behind me and the man's grip loosens the tiniest bit giving me a chance to rip out of it completely. I take off to my car and hearing shouting behind me.

I hear someone shout to let me go as tears stream violently down my face as I throw my board on to the roof, strapping it down, open my car door and drive off without even looking back.


Once in the safety of my apartment, I race to the closet finding my gun in the safe. My body pumping with fear as I sat on my bed in the corner of the room waiting for any sigh of any attack.

I saw something I definitely wasn't supposed to see tonight. And it was only a matter of time before one of the two men come after me.

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