twenty two

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Walking down the large corridor with Adrian's arm wrapped around my waist, Atlas and Kai walking beside us. I feel the anger of everything Jonah and his dumbass brother has done to me rise up. 

I can't wait to show Jonah just how angry I feel. 

Everyone around the large warehouse moves to the side and bows their heads as we pass them like we are some gods.

"Why is everyone bowing their heads at us?" I ask, he smiles down and me and squeezes my waist. "Because we hold so much power, it's a sign of respect towards us" He answers. 

"We?" He grins and nods, "The night you slept in the same bed as me, it was decided you were going to be mine. And because you're mine, my princess, you hold the same power I do. Our people will always hold the highest respect to you, baby" He says, I nod and lean into him as we continue walking. 

Then we stop in front of a large metal door, Adrian presses his thumb into the pad next to it before pushing the door open. 

The room smells awful, a mixture of pee, blood, mold, and death. 

Atlas turns on a light, making two men in the middle of the room appear. 

"So you did bring your whore" Jonah laughs, he looks me up and down as Adrian's hand grips my waist tighter. "Tate, right?" He asks, I nod and move my hand to under Adrian's blazer, drawing small circles into his back. 

"Well Tate it's a shame I never got to try out that pussy. By the looks of you, I'm sure it's perfect. You're boyfriend is a very selfish man"  He says, I feel like I could throw up just by the way he is speaking to me. 

"Kai, care to walk up Julien so we can get this over with?" Adrian says, Kai nods and walks over to the sleeping man, shooting him in the leg. 

I ignore his screams as Atlas walks over to me hold a gun and a knife out to me. 

"Pick your poison" He smiles at me, I slowly grab the knife from him and look back up at Adrian for confirmation this was really happening. 

All he does is nod and move his hand from my waist to the curve of my ass, his new favorite thing. Leaning down, he kisses the side of my head before whispering into my ear. 

"Let it all out, princess. Let him represent your bastard uncle, useless father, and any other man who has ever hurt you. It's all on you, baby" I nod and let every emotion, every memory come to the surface. 

Their faces morph onto Jonah's face, pain and rage buzz through me. But I can't move, my feet are planted next to Adrian, I don't want to move further away from him.

With a deep breath, I flip the knife in my hand and smile at Jonah.

"Any last words?" I ask, he smiles and leans back on the floor. 

"Does Kings really have a dick? I'm not quite convinced" He says, my smile grows as I prepare myself for what I'm about to do. 

"Yeah, and it's huge" I answer before launching the knife at him, somehow it lands in his throat. 

He stares at me wide eyed, blood dripping out of his mouth and the new opening in his neck. 

Julien starts screaming at me, yelling curses in a different language. A hand slides around me and pulls me into a hard chest, "Should you finish him off or should I?" He asks, I meet his grey eyes and push the gun away he is holding out. 

"You, I got my fill of murder for today" I respond, he grins and unloads all of the bullets into Julien's chest. 

Atlas begins laughing once both of them stop moving, I watch him in confusion  as he continues and pointing at us. 

"Tate you liar, you said the furthest you two have gone was kiss." He finally says, I shrug and let Adrian begin to walk us out of the room, speaking to someone in what I assume is Dutch. 

"You act like we don't sleep in the same bed, and you horny assholes don't wake up ready to go. Just because we haven't done that doesn't mean I haven't felt it" I retort,  Adrian clears his throat as Kai and Atlas laugh again. 

"You tell him what me do, baby? I should give you something to talk about then" He suddenly whispers in my ear, I grin at him and talk with Atlas as we walk back through the warehouse. His hand was complete resting on my ass, the tips of his fingers messing with the hem on the dress I had on. 

Someone calls over Adrian and I stand with Kai as he and Atlas walk over. 

"I've never seen him this happy" Kai says, I look over at him and he smiles, "Even as teenagers, he was all business all the damn time. But then you wormed your way into his daily routine and he completely changed. Takes days off when he needs, he smiles genuinely, he even jokes around sometimes." 

I nod and watch Adrian talk to a group of scary looking men with a serious expression. 

"I don't know what the hell you did to him, Tate. But keep doing it, he needs someone that can put up with his shit and make him happy" He adds before Adrian walks over to us, "Ready to head home?" he asks, I nod and smile at Kai. 

Adrian grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers, and walks us to his car. The ride home is quiet, his hand resting under my dress on my upper thigh. His thumb rubbing circles, and an unreadable smirk on his face as he drives.

"What are we going to do the rest of the day? It's only 10:30" I ask, his tongue presses into his cheek as he looks over at me. "I have a couple ideas, nothing to worry your pretty head about" He answers, I nod and mess with his cuff link as the city traffic brings us to a stop.

My mind wonders to what this means for us now that the major threat is gone. Could I start working again? Do I stay with Adrian or is this it for us?

We never really established if we were truly anything or if was just because it was convenient. Or this thing between us was for real. I want it to be for real, I don't think I would ever move on from him. But what if none of this was real for him? 

"Tell me what you're thinking" Adrian demands in a soft tone, his eyes are looking right through me. I don't know how to explain what I'm thinking without sounding like a crazy person, so I shrug and refocus on his expensive cuff link.

When I say nothing, he sighs and squeezes my leg, "You're fucking insane if you think this is it for us, princess. You're not going anywhere, and I'll be damned if you think I pursued anything with you because it convenient." he states, reading all of my thoughts. 

I nod and squeeze his wrist, he sighs again and finally pulls into parking garage. 

"Alright, we aren't doing this" Adrian says reaching over and unbuckling my seatbelt before somehow picking me up and dragging me onto his lap. 

He cups my face and shakes his head. 

"Tate, let me get one thing straight. You would not be this close to me unless I planned on keeping you around. You aren't going anywhere. So push all of those stupid thoughts out of your head, they are lying to you" He says, I nod and feel my eyes water. 

He kisses my forehead and lets me fall onto his chest, rest my head in the crook of his neck.

"You're endgame, Tate. Don't you dare think otherwise" 

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