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Walking to the warehouse I felt my fingers itch to destroy every cell of Jonah. I had to play this smart though, if Julian caught wind of me killing Jonah all hell would break loose. Tate had already been hurt way too many times because of this bullshit, and I'll be damned if anything else happens to her. 

"Look who finally decided to show up!" He yells out as I walk into the room with Kai and Atlas. 

"How's that little red head doing? Have you fucked her yet? I heard gingers are wild in bed, is that true?" He asks, I just stand there watching him try to piss me off and struggle to break free from the chair he was tied down too. 

Kai walks over to the corner, returning with a gun and a chair. He sits down in front of him as me and Atlas watch him. 

"Alright bud, here's how this is going to work. We're gonna contact your crazy fucking brother and let him join you here. Then after that sweet little red head is going to come here with Kings, and she'll get to decide what happens to you idiots. Sound good?" Kai starts, he messes with the gun and Jonah does nothing but glare. 

He looks over to me and shakes his head, "My brother will fucking ruin you and that whore, Kings. You have no clue who the fuck you're messing with" I just smile in response and let him make his empty threats. 

Julian is currently being taken care of by one of my teams and should arrive at any moment. 

More empty, pointless threats fall out of his mouth as Kai starts kicking his ass. I wish to be the one fucking him up, but I wouldn't be able to stop. For right now I need Jonah alive, I can't touch him.


Soon, he'll be at my mercy and that day will be the greatest day of my life.


8 hours and 43 minutes.

He left almost 9 hours ago and still hasn't come back. 

I wondered around the apartment for a bit, attempted to punch the punching bag in the gym and hurt my wrist, ate the rest of the chips he had hidden because fuck him, and now I'm sitting in his office reading for a change of scenery. 

His chair is really comfy and big, and the room smelled like him giving me a sense of peace while he's gone doing god knows what.

Shattering glass from outside the door, snaps me thoughts from the book. Heavy footsteps, a menacing laugh, more glass shattering, and gunshots sound from out the door.

Panic rises in my throat, silently as possible I place the book on the desk and slip under it, pulling the chair so it's pushed in and covering my body from the view of the trespasser. 

"Oh Tate! Where are you?" I squeeze my eyes shut a the voice calling out to me. 

Didn't Atlas say they had Jonah?  Who the hell is here?

More gunshots sound out along with incoherent yelling. My hands cover my ears, and I lean into the corner waiting for all of the chaos to stop and for Adrian to appear in front of me. 

The door busts open and my hand goes to my mouth to keep the sobs quiet. Footsteps round the desk, more shuffling sounds out and a scoff.

"Miss Carter? My name is Jax, I was the one who was your bodyguard for that day a couple of months ago. I know you're scared, but I need you to come out of your hiding spot so we can take you to a safe place." He calls out, I don't move or make a sound. 

"Please Miss Carter, Boss is waiting for us. We need to get you out of here, please come out" He pleads, shakily I push out the chair and get up. 

The man I caught at the beach gives me a small smile and starts walking to the door. 

"Get your shoes and lets go" I nod and quickly find them. 

Walking in the living area I feel my eyes water, dead men lay on the floor and couch in pools of blood, cool air drifted in the room from the open spaces where large windows once were, everything was a complete disaster.

Jax places a hand on my shoulder and continues guiding me to the door as more men with big guns form a circle around me. Once on the ground floor, I placed in a car and the long drive begins. 

The sun has gone away for the night and I'm beyond tired, I want nothing more than to wake up from this nightmare in Adrian's arms in that apartment.

An hour passes before the car finally stops and once again a group of scary looking men with guns circle me and walks towards a large building. 

Everyone who's there moves out of our way and bows their heads like I'm some higher power to them. 

I hug myself and try to control my breathing, where is Adrian? 

The human shields around me stop moving, the ones in the front move out of my way and I watch with tears in my eyes as Adrian, Atlas, and Kai walk towards me. 

Those bright grey eyes send me over the edge, my lip starts quivering and my chest tightens. He quickly makes his way to me and cups my face in his hands. 

"I'm here, princess. You're okay" He coos and wipes the tears that had fallen. He pulls me into his chest and starts yelling orders in a different language. 

My hands grip his shirt and hide my face in his chest. He rubs my back and continues speaking to different people around us. 

"Hey princess, you want to go see my office?" He asks, I nod but don't move my place in his arms, I need his touch right now. He sighs and grabs the back of my thighs, lifting me up. My arms went around his neck and my legs around his torso. 

"Better?" He asks, I nod and feel him start walking.

"Kai, I need you to go secure those fuckers in the bottom cells and slap them around a little. We'll finish this bullshit tomorrow" 

"Got it boss, take all the time you need" Kai answers, I look up enough to meet his eyes and he smiles lightly at me before walking away from us. 

Adrian kisses my shoulder and squeezes my waist, the sound of a door clicking rings out. 

Peaking out from my hiding place in his broad shoulder, I take in the neat room filled with some pictures and papers. He sits in a chair with my on his lap. Leaning back, Adrian studies my face and twirls a piece if my hair between his fingers with a frown. 

"Your eyes are too pretty to be red from crying, princess." He states, I look down and nod. 

"Baby please say something" 

"I-i feel scared, and I really just want to go to bed" I answer, he nods and smooths out my hair. 

"We'll get out of here soon, and you're always safe with me. Tonight there was a mess up, I had a team out trying to get Jonah's brother and he escaped them and found you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you" I lean back into his chest and nod. "What time is it?"

"Around 1 in the morning, just go to sleep. I got you" He responds, I lightly grip his shirt in my hands as he rubs my back. 

The blanket of security and safety washes over me as I finally drift in Adrian's arms.



Hello my beautiful readers! As many of you are aware, the next school year is about to begin and I am a full time student and work. Updates are going to start being once a week and if I can two chapters will be uploaded. As much as I love writing, my priority will become school and studying once the year begins. 

If you're from the MMH series, editing will take a lot longer than I originally expected. But I promise the new and improved version is so much better

Love each and every one of you!!


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