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The next two weeks seemed to blur together, every day I did the same thing. 

Wake up, find Adrian, glare at him, he leaves, I get ready and read the whole day. 

The only thing new was some clothes that had appeared in my room one day. I guess he didn't appreciate me going into his room everyday and stealing clothes I had no intention of returning. 

It all felt to familiar, it's driving me insane. I can't handle this much longer, I was going to talk to Adrian tonight about it. 

And right on cue, I hear his heavy footsteps walk through the hallway and into his room. I placed my latest book on my nightstand and get up walking into the main living area. Soon enough Adrian walks back out looking a little more relaxed with his dress shirt sleeves pushed up to his forearms and his tie gone. 

He looks over at me before leaning against the counter and running a hand through his hair.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asks, I nod and sit down at the table looking at the night sky.

"You have to let me out of here" I start looking back up at him, he furrows his brows and gives me a confused look. "I get that my life is possibly at stake, but I'm going insane in here. I don't have my job anymore, you won't let me leave, all I do is sit around and read and maybe workout sometimes. I don't expect you to just let me have complete freedom today but please. I need to at least leave this godforsaken building for a little bit." I continue.

He nods and looks down, "You're right, I'll check and see when that can happen. Can you hang in a couple more days?" I nod quickly in response and he lightly smiles at me before excusing himself to his office. 

I still didn't like or trust Adrian. But I have learned to be more civil and accept I wasn't getting out of this anytime soon. We barely saw each other and I still glared at him whenever I woke up and realized this truly is my reality, but everything had been fine since he actually apologized. 

Watching the dark sky from my seat a little while longer before walking over to the couch to watch a movie.


Waking up barely, I feel my body being held in someone's arms. I know who it is, this position has become to familiar for my liking but sleep wins the battle against my want to protest him. 

My back hits a soft mattress, furthering pulling me back into sleep. The bed dips beside me and a rough hands moves the hair away from my face.

"It won't be like this much longer, that I can actually promise you. Good night, princess" Then the sleep fully took over before I could process his quiet words.


The next morning Adrian is gone. 

I can't decide if last night if he had actually promised me this would end soon or if it was just a dream. 

Brushing off the mild insanity, I do my usual routine for the day and try to make the day pass by quickly as possible. Soon enough the sun sets and I put on a movie not wanting to finish my book in one day. 

Adrian walks through the door and leans over to couch to look at me.

"Hey, a couple friends are coming over to watch the game. So hide now if you don't want to socialize" 

I nod and look back at the tv, he stands back up and kisses the top of my head. My eyes widen as I watch him walk back to his room without sparing me another glance. 

"What the fuck" I mutter to myself before turning off the tv and walking back to my room. 

The noise of people shouting at the tv starts outside and I can only stare outside the window. 

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