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It's been 3 weeks since the incident with Olivia. 3 weeks since I felt myself fall into old habits. 

3 weeks since me and Adrian began sharing a bed every night. 

Every night was the same, he would awkwardly ask if I was ok with him being there with me and I would end up in his arms, listening to his heartbeat. 

Most mornings he would already be in his office by the time I woke up and we left each other alone all day. 

And I feel better, like myself again.

He had disappeared to somewhere awhile go and I still sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back. 

The sun is gone and light rain beats against the large windows lining the wall. I'm beyond tired, but I don't want to find out if I can sleep without being in Adrian's hold. The thought of him being the reason I sleep peacefully is something I can't deal with. 

Feeling the need to do something I stand up, drape my blanket over my shoulders and walk in kitchen to find a snack. 

Even with me being here, his fridge was still full of health foods which was annoying most of the time. After walking around for a couple of minutes I find a bag of regular potato chips hiding in the back of one of the cabinets. 

"What are you doing?" A deep voice sounds from the other side of the island, looking up Adrian looks at me with a stupid smirk on his face and his arms crossed. 

"Getting a snack" I reply continuing to move to my place on the couch but he blocks my path out of the kitchen. "Oh really? It's 2 in the morning, Tate. You're supposed to be asleep" He grabs the bag out of my hand and places back in the cabinets, this time on the highest shelf where I can't reach. 

"Hey I was going to eat those" I whine, he tilts his head and leans down to my level. "Too bad, go get your pretty ass to bed" 

"I'm not 10, I can stay up as late as I want and give me the damn chips" I retort, he just smiles down at me and nods. 

"Yeah, but you always complain about having a headache the morning after you stay up late. But I will give you the chips while I go shower. After that it's bedtime for the both of us" He says, I smile as he hands me back the bag and walks out of the room. 

Moving back to the couch I happily eat the chips before they're yet again take out of my hands by Adrian. 

He just smiles at me as I glare and follow him back into the bedroom. We both brush our teeth and he leaves the bathroom before I do. 

Just like I do every night I go to take of my mom's necklace so it's not damaged in my sleep, but nothings around my neck. Panic floods my body as I walk in the bedroom and look on the ground, under the pillows, rip off the covers. 

"Tate, Tate" Two hands grab my arms and twist me around, Adrian looks at me with concern. "Princess, what are you doing?"

"M-my mom's necklace is gone, I had it on earlier. But it's gone, I need to find it" I explain, he sighs and cups my face. 

"Ok, we'll find it. But you need sleep, let's go to bed and find it in the morning. It's here somewhere" He responds, I nod and let him tuck us in bed before I quickly move into his arms and the feeling of safety he gives me wash over. 

But tears still sting me eyes as we lay there, "Don't cry baby, I promise we will find it" he whispers. I nod and let myself fall asleep.


"Almost got it" Adrian says for the millionth time. 

Around 4 I woke up and dragged Adrian out of bed to help me look for the necklace. We looked in every corner on the place before the realization on it possibly being in the sink drain hit me. 

Now we're sitting on the bathroom floor as he takes out the pipes to try and find it. Random items that were in the cabinet are scattered around floor mainly around me as Adrian continues removing different sections of the drain. 

"There it is" His head reappears and so does is hand with the necklace. A smile takes over my face as I jump to grab it and slam into his bare chest. "Thank you" I whisper while inspecting the chain.

The clasp is broken.

"I'll get it fixed for you, princess" I nod and lean into him as we sit there looking at it. 

My eyes slowly begin to get heavier and he takes the necklace from me then picks me up bridal style. "When you have a headache later don't blame me"

"I'll still blame you" I respond, he laughs and lowers me onto the bed. "Get some sleep" He whispers and kisses my forehead before walking back into the bathroom. 

Finding I couldn't go back sleep, I watch the sunrise and listen to Adrian's cussing as he tries to put the sink back together. I can't see him from where I am but the banging and the noises he's making is enough to let me know he isn't having fun. 

Soon the sun fully rises and he's still in there making noise. Getting up, I go make us both a cup of coffee and walk back into the bathroom, sitting next to him on the cold tile floor. 

Adrian's still shirtless and only in sweatpants, making my stomach feel a little weird. He doesn't even notice me when I sit down though.

"God fucking dammit, fucking work you piece of shit" He yells, I raise my eyebrows and watch him fight with a piece of pipe to fit into place. 

"Fuck, finally" He sighs once it clicks into place and he tightens it with a tool. I move to sit criss cross in front of him and he smiles at me. 

"Here's some coffee" I smile while holding out the mug, he grins and takes it from me. "Thank you"

He wipes the sweat of his forehead and sits the now empty mug down. "My head hurts" I state, he laughs and shakes his head. 

"I told you to go to bed, but someone likes to be difficult" He responds, I shrug and look at the mess of cleaning products and extra toiletries laying around the room. "It's fun to keep you on your toes and I'll clean up the rest of the mess in here"

"No you're not, if anything we'll clean it together" I nod in agreement, we both stand and walk into the kitchen. 

Adrian washes out our mugs and then just stares at me. Suddenly he moves in front of me and places his hands on either side of my neck. 

Memories flashes through my head at the feeling of someone else touching my neck, I grab his wrists and shake my head. 

"Please don't touch me there" I whisper, he nods and hovers his hands on my waist instead. "Is it ok if I touch you here?" He asks, I nod and watch him look are me with uncertainty and concern lacing his grey eyes. 

"He used to choke me when he did it" I explain quietly, he seems to know exactly what I'm talking about. He nods and pulls me closer, "I'll never touch you there, if anything I ever do makes you uncomfortable tell me. I want you to feel safe and protected with me" He responds, I nod and smile at the feel of his hands placed tightly on my waist. 

There's no space left between us, we've been in similar positions before, but this feels way more intimate. He looks down at my lips and bites his, I never noticed how perfect they are until now. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asks in a hushed voice, I nod and tilt my head up to him a little more.

One of his hands goes to my cheek and then his lips are on mine.

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