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5 months later.

Gavin Adrian Kings was born on November 25 perfectly healthy and beautiful with his father's bright grey eyes and his dark hair, a replica of his dad. He came 2 weeks early and almost gave Adrian a heart attack when my water broke in the middle of cooking dinner. 

Poor Tommy had walked out as Adrian was running around trying to find the hospital bag and then they both freaked out trying to get me out of the door only for me to be in labor for 30 hours. 

Which I didn't appreciate Gavin procrastinating for so damn long.

But I am thankful I had no complications during labor and birth, and Adrian was there for me the whole time and didn't complain once throughout the stay at the hospital. 

Tommy is also been doing great, he has started healing from whatever our father put him through even though he still won't explain what had happened to him. Together through lots of fighting an frustration, he has gotten through freshmen and sophomore year credits and is halfway through his junior year, just in time for him to go to regular school for his senior year. We also managed to get custody of him fairly easy and get his last name changed to Kings so he has no ties to the Carters anymore. 

Adrian and I are still engage and fighting about how we want to proceed with getting married. I'm fine with having a wedding or just eloping, but Adrian wants me to decide. I don't want to decide since I'm taking care of our new born and my brother as he integrates back into a normal life while Adrian works almost all of the time again, even though he is in his home office it's not often he makes it out mid day .

But we both know we'll more likely than not just elope and call it a day, it's just the challenge of who is going to fold first and say it. 

Tommy walks out into the living room holding his laptop with a frown on his face, he sits down next to me on a couch and shows me his schoolwork. 

"What am I looking at?" He asks, I adjust Gavin in my arms and look at the physics equation.

"Time multiplied by velocity, you have a couple pages of notes over this from last week you might want to get out" I say, he nods and walks back to his room. It still shocks me how far he has come academically in so little time, even with fighting him on what he believed he was capable of. 

Deconstructing the beliefs that were instilled into his mind was harder than I imagined. He believe he was only good to be in a gang, that he is stupid, and there is no point in trying to complete school because he is incapable of such a thing. 

Yet, Adrian was the one to get through to him. Tommy had started yelling about not understanding his math homework and wasn't willing to take my help. So Adrian yelled back and made it very clear he was capable of getting through it, but he needs to head out of his ass to do so. 

After that late night argument, Tommy started letting us help him and be there to support him while he caught up. And said he wanted to attend normal school at the start of the next year if he could. 

Gavin starts blubbering again and giggle as I lay him on the couch and play with his chubby little arms. 

"We make very adorable babies, princess. I say we make some more" Adrian says from behind me, his hand circles around my waist and he gently pinches Gavin's cheek. 

"Maybe in the future we can give him some siblings, but more I'm fine with one and you need to give me your last name before you give me anymore children." I respond, he laughs and kisses my shoulder. 

"Just tell me if you want a wedding or not and then I'll change it for you, but until then you won't have pleasure of being Mrs Kings." He whispers, I shake my head and pick Gavin up. Leaning back into Adrian, I rest Gavin on my chest and let him start to fall asleep. 

"You're such a good mom, baby. I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to be the mother of my children other than you" I grin at his words and tilt my head back to kiss his jaw, "And I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to be the father of my children other than you" I repeat his words. 

He tightens his arm around me and smooths out Gavin's hair. 

"He's so perfect" I whisper, Adrian mumbles a yeah and lifts him off of me and rests him on his shoulder. He shows us his cute little baby smile and grabs onto Adrian's dress shirt.

"Yeah, he is" I say as I cuddle into his side and watch Gavin once more drift off to sleep as we watch him. 


We have finally reached the end, there is so much more to their story and Tommy's as well. Thank you for sticking through another one of my stories and hope to see you in the next one <3

-Aria Kay

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