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What the hell has happened to my life? Two weeks ago I was happy and living a normal life, I have a great job, an amazing best friend, and surfing. But sitting next Adrian after he saw someone, it became clear how different everything is becoming. 

Now there were strange men following me around, an annoying man who seems to be the ring leader of them also following. And said ring leader was just on top of me inside of my car kissing my neck, because 'he had to for my own good' which is a load of bullshit if I have ever heard one. 

Something was off with Adrian, with the way he looks at me, the way he acts around me, the way he speaks to me, even the way he handles me. Nothing about it lines up his demeanor. He radiates power and danger, everything I have fought so hard to get away from. 

Yet here I was leaning into his chest, in between his long legs, allowing him to hold me after I agreed to let him protect me from the 'bad men' as he called them earlier. His thumb rubbing gently into my side, and I liked it. Fuck, I felt ok being with him like this.

I know I shouldn't be letting this happen, he is everything I hate in this world. He held a gun to my head, tracked me down, and had some weird dude follow me. And I've only known him for a week and a half. 

 My still damp hair was sticking to the back of my neck causing it to itch, I slowly sit up and pull away from his arms. 

"I should probably go home and shower" I mummer, he sighs and nods. "Ok, and contact me if you think something is wrong even if it's just a feeling" He says, I nod and get out of the backseat where he earlier shoved us in. 

We say an awkward good bye and I drive home. Dragging my stuff up into my small apartment before walking into the bathroom. 

I have to fight to take off the slightly damp clothes stuck to my body, but finally win against them. Turning the shower on, I hear a creak outside the door. Probably just my upstairs neighbor, they are always loud and stomping around. Once my hair is detangled, thanks for that Adrian, I step under the hot water and just stand there. 

I can't believe I basically cuddled with Adrian in the backseat of my car. I can't cross those lines with him, it can't and won't happen. 

He is involved in things I refuse to go back to. Everything in my life has fallen into place and he is nothing but a minor blimp. He will take care of whatever is happening and then he will disappear from my life.

And everything will go back to normal, back to what I fought for. 

The water starts to turn cold and I get out drying off and then leaving the bathroom to find clothes. Something feels strange when I walk out of the bathroom but it's probably just from how strange the evening has been. 

Pulling on a white tank and black sweats, and then going right back to the bathroom to do skin and hair care. Walking back into the kitchen and finding I have basically zero food, add that to the list of things I need to do this weekend. 

I grab my phone and order food to be delivered right before I felt it. 

A cold piece of metal poking me in the back, all my movements stilled. 

"Scream and you die a very painful death, sweetheart" 

I know that voice. The voice of the man started all of the drama with Adrian, the man who grabbed me and placed me in front of Adrian. I nod, and kept my eyes on my phone in front of me where the man behind me. My fingers shake as I press call on the unknown number, turning the volume all the way down in case he yells through the phone so where who I remember to be Jonah couldn't hear it. 

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