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"Ready princess?" Adrian asks me, I nod and follow him out of the small cabin we had been staying in for god knows how long. 

He quickly takes the bag I was holding out of my hand and pulls me into his side with his arm around me. Walking towards the entire army of big scary guys with guns surrounding multiple cars, I strangely feel at ease. 

When at the warehouse, all of Adrian's staff treated with a type of respect not even my own employees showed me when I worked at that engineering company all of those months ago.

One of them approached us as the rest kept their eyes on everything around us. 

"Everything is ready for you and your wife's return, and Atlas said he would be waiting for you there" He says in a robotic tone, my eyes widen when he calls me Adrian's wife. But Adrian just nods, thanking him and smiles down at me. 

"Shall we, princess?" He asks, I nod and let him help me into the car. 

The drive lasts for awhile, we stayed silent most of the time as Adrian drove us back into the familiar city with his hand on my thigh. His thumb continuously running over at small scar in a soothing motions. 

His touch erased the morbid memory that came with the scar, and he wrote his own memory over it. A happy memory, a good one I don't want to forget. 

I tried to ignore the feeling that settled in me as he pulled into the parking garage of the fancy apartment building. The hand I had resting on his forearm tightens once he parks the car. 

The dead bodies that laid across the floor up there flash across my mind. 

The way Jonah's brother had called out for me in that evil tone.

That whole night flashed before me once again. 

"Princess, I know you're scared but I've taken care of everything. It looks completely different now, and if you still don't like it we won't live here." Adrian whispers to me, his hands cupping my face. I don't know when he got out of the car and over here it definitely helped.

Slowly he walks us to the elevator, his hand holding mine and keeping me close to his body. 

The doors open revealing a living space I had never seen before. 

Mixes of dark green and gold placed perfectly through out the white and black space. The layout is similar to how it was before but everything was different, even down to where everything was in the kitchen. 

Atlas and Kai stand in the kitchen with beers in their hands smiling at us.

"And they have returned, it's good to see you Tate" Atlas says, I smile and nod, still taking in everything he had changed in the space. They all start talking about something that probably has to do with work.

I look around the area but stay put in my spot at his side, not ready to venture off in this space on my own yet.

"Keep your damn mouth shut At, I'm serious this time" Adrian growls in a tone I have never heard before. They glare at each other, Kai just standing there wide eyed like me. 

"She deserves to make that decision on her own, if she wants nothing to do with it that's fine. But if she wants to be apart of this, she should be" Atlas says continuing to glare at him, Adrian tightens his grip on my hand when I start tugging on it.

He is getting to angry for my liking, I can practically feel the anger rolling off of him in waves.

"Clearly she isn't prepared to be apart of something like this, shut the fuck up and remember your place" He quickly responds, my tugging on his hand grows more persistent. 

I don't want to see this side of Adrian today, I know it exists. I'm not dense, but I don't want anything to do with the mean, ruthless Adrian Kings. I like the one I have now, the one who holds me and protects me like no one ever has before.

"Give her the damn option, man. She deserves the choice" Atlas says before leaving the room and walking back down the hall. 

Kai looks down at his beer bottle and bites the inside of his cheek.

"Just say it for fucks sake, Kai" 

"Not once has she been given the option of what happens to the people that have hurt her, be the person to change that." He says before also walking down the hall.

"Adrian, what are they talking about?" I ask, his hard glare softens the moment he looks down at me. 

He bites his lip and looks down at our hands. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to, I need you to understand that"

I nod and feel him start pulling us down the hall until we are at the least door. He opens the door and the room is so different from how I remember it. 

Instead of a dark walls, they're painted a soft white, and the bed is now a light wash wood canopy. 

The room is light and airy with the same green and gold accents. 

He drops my hand and moves to sits on the bed with his head between his hands. All of the hair on top of his head hiding his face. With a frown on my face, I walk over to him and take his jaw into my hands. 

"Can you please just tell me what you guys were talking about?" I ask, he sighs and starts playing with the hem of my hoodie that I had stolen from him. 

"We didn't kill Jonah or his brother yet because we think it should be you who decides what happens to them. But after everything, I didn't think you would be in the mental space for something like that" He answers, I nod and take a step forward so I'm in between his leg. 

His hands are still playing with the hoodie, he won't meet my eyes. I just want those grey eyes to connect with mine, for them to show me why he thinks I couldn't handle handing revenge to some bad people. 

I tilt his head up and he finally meets my eyes. 

"It's almost laughable you think I couldn't handle handing some bitch his ass on a silver platter. But the real question is when do I get to help take those mother fuckers down for the final time?"

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